Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Read Real Detailed Reviews From
Our Actual Posh Dog Brace Customers.
See How We Personally Cared For Their Dog.

  • Brian Cannon

    So good I'm back for another dog Three years ago my Rottweiler tore his CCL and was walking without using Read More

  • Kenneth Bailey

    My dog Chester was having issues with both back legs He was having trouble getting up and walking and you Read More

  • J Lour

    I was referred to Posh by a good friend who experienced the same CCL knee injury as my year old Read More

  • Holly Medlong

    Our doggy had a partially torn CCL A friend recommended this brace to us as an alternative to surgery He Read More

  • Cat N

    We just started our recovery with Doris for her CCL injury Today we had our fitting and first walk with Read More

The Reason We Help More Dogs’ With CCL Injuries Is Simple:
We Treat Your Injured Dog Like Your Dog Was Our Own. 
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Are Other Custom Dog Knee Brace Companies Telling You That “You Can’t
Make A Great Fitting Brace – Without Having A Cast Made Of Your Dogs’ Leg?”
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All Dogs Recovering With No Casting Posh Dog Knee Braces And NO Surgery.

No Casting Required. – Dr. Lori Weinstock DVM, Mom of Lucy, 12 YO Lhasa Apso – Brooklyn NYC

“As a Veterinarian I would usually recommend surgical correction for this type of injury, but I was afraid that Lucy would not be able to handle the anesthesia given her kidney disease and the risk was just too high.

So I started to look into alternative treatment options and that is when I discovered Posh Dog stifle braces. I ordered a custom Posh brace for my own Dog Lucy, and I have to say: the entire process has truly been wonderful. A well-built custom brace for Lucy arrived in less than a week after I took some simple measurements of Lucys’ leg.

From my initial inquiry all the way to actually receiving the brace and expertly fitting it via Skype, they have continued to impress me with their incredible customer service and follow up care. I was always able to reach someone via email or phone and they would respond to me almost immediately. This is a company that truly loves dogs and you can see they want the best for each and every one of their customers.

From the first time I put the brace on Lucy I could see that she felt the support she needed and her confidence came back. Lucy quickly adjusted to wearing the brace and she was happy and excited and wanted to go for a walk for the first time in weeks.

The Posh brace is extremely well made and they custom made it without having to make a cast of Lucys’ little leg. One of the things I like about the Posh brace is that is flexible and conforms to her anatomy very well, and is very comfortable for Lucy. Most importantly, by suppressing the tibial thrust, the waterproof Posh brace has allowed Lucy to begin to recover right away.

It has been barely 4 weeks since we received Lucy’s custom Posh stifle brace and I already see such a big difference. Her gait is continuing to improve and she is regaining some of the muscle mass that she initially lost in her leg from not using it immediately following the injury. We no longer see the need to keep her on painkillers and she is back to acting like Lucy, the happy and brave little girl we know.

I could not be happier that we discovered Posh Dog Knee Brace, and I am so excited to have this as an option to offer for my clients whose Dogs have cruciate tears when surgery is not a suitable treatment option. Many times a Dog is not a good candidate for CCL surgery, due to age, cost and other factors, or the owners want to try conservative management and bracing first.

As a Veterinarian, I endorse the custom made Posh Dog Knee Brace to help your dog recover from a CCL Injury and recommend that you look into it for your Dog, as a great alternative to surgery. I’m so glad that we got a Posh Dog Knee Brace for Lucy!


Hi, I’m Luna. I woke up and couldn’t walk anymore because of lymes disease. The vets told my parents that I wouldn’t walk again and they should put me to sleep. I tried really hard to walk for my mom and dad, but it was hard. They even got me a chair. I didn’t like it much. Then my parents found a gentleman that would help me with braces when no one else would. I was doing great. I could do anything with them! And before you know it, I didn’t need my braces that much anymore and I could run without them! Thank you Posh and my parents for not giving up on me!

The vet After A Bilateral Injury: “Get Surgery Or Put Him Down.”Nancy & John, Parents Of Joshua, 10 YO Border Collie – MA

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Hopefully the veterinarian who was in charge of Joshuas’ health will forever learn from this experience and offer the option of knee braces, versus “putting him down!!!” READ THIS STORY if your vet told you surgery or else!!


Well its time for an update!! He has been getting better slowly… its been 12 weeks. After an initial period of getting used to the braces just walking in the yard we started walking him each day for 5 minutes only. He still was unstable in the home, side sitting, not able to climb stairs and clearly sore. But each week we started to see some improvement. He walks now about 15 minutes each day and starting to climb some stairs. He has learned to maneuver the stairs so that he takes the stair at the lowest point.. he is very smart!!

Well today!! When our daughter came to visit he ran, in the house mind you, but ran to her!! She had to say to him, Joshua take it easy! Then she and I went for a walk, and we used to bring Joshua with us but after his complete spiral down we could not. When we returned from our walk he was out front and when he saw us, he ran across the yard to greet us!! Again we tried to tell him to take it easy so that he doesn’t do too much but…

he hasn’t done that in months!!!! Since maybe May!!!

He was basically lame all summer and had to be put in a wagon when we walked somewhere. It was the first week in September [2016] that the Veterinarian said that either he should have surgery or we should put him down.

Watch the attached video to see how good he looks! He is healing!! The scar tissue is forming because of the support of the braces each day!!! We are so thankful!!!

John and Nancy B.

Helping A Special Rescue. – Kathleen, Mom Of Dexter, 6 Year America Bully – AZ

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Like so many of our customers, Kathleen is a true hero for rescuing Dexter from a dreadful situation. We are honored to have helped make life a little better for this handsome boy.]

On June 29, 2013, Dexter was captured stray. Approximately 2 years old and just 35lbs, he was a bag of bones and horribly sick. As he was being walked to the euthanasia room just six days later, a wonderful rescue stopped his final walk.

After bringing him home on July 18, 2013, I soon realized that he’d been horribly abused. The beatings he endured resulted in extensive orthopedic and neurological injuries that cause recurring leg tremors and pain. In December 2015 during a particularly bad pain episode, I had him x‑rayed to determine the extent of his injuries. He was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and a probable partial tear of his right CCL. I started him on meds, Dasuquin with MSM, and krill oil. I also limited his racing around the backyard.

All was going well until September 2017, when he had another acute pain episode. The vet confirmed the partial CCL tear and recommended bracing, as Dexter’s left knee is not in great shape either. Wanting to avoid surgery on the right knee, which would most likely have resulted in an eventual surgery on his left knee, I began researching brace companies. Two brace companies I checked out required casting. Watching YouTube videos of the casting procedures only caused me more anxiety. When my Google search identified a company that said NO CASTING, I was elated.

I submitted the online info form to Posh Dog on a Friday night. At 11:30am the next day (Saturday!), I received a call from Nikki at Posh. She was wonderful and I knew from talking to her that I’d found my answer –! I immediately paid and within the hour received an email with detailed instructions on the process and the measurements needed to fabricate Dexter’s brace. I emailed the measurements form and was scheduled for a video call on Monday to verify measurements. 

Jami was the Vet Tech on the video call and was incredible, super warm and compassionate, and very thorough in her instructions and explanations. She emailed me two days later that Dexter’s brace had been shipped.

When the brace arrived, I was very impressed. As a mechanical engineer, I was amazed by the brace’s construction. The brace is really easy to put on, adjust, and take off. I put the brace on Dexter, took and submitted the requested photos, and was scheduled for a fitting video the following day. Once again, Jami was fantastic and so supportive. Rehab walks started the next day and I submitted the requested video of Dexter walking in his brace. 

Based on the video, Jami immediately asked me to send the brace back for modification since it appeared to be too high in Dexter’s groin area. I shipped it back on a Friday and it was modified and back to us by the following Friday (AZ to FL and back!).

I submitted the requested video and photos of Dexter in the modified brace. Jami promptly let me know that everything looked great, and to please keep Posh posted on Dexter’s progress.

I cannot express how thrilled I was to find a brace company that did not require casting. But beyond that, the support I’ve received, and continue to receive, has been absolutely incredible. From my first call with Nikki on a Saturday, to all the interactions I’ve had with Jami, my feelings that I found the best brace company there is have been reinforced over and over. Posh makes one brace and they certainly excel in their craft. They also truly care about Dexter getting better.

I recently demonstrated Dexter’s brace for my vet and she was very impressed. I imagine she will recommend Posh braces to her clients in the future. In addition, Dexter has hundreds of followers on FB. He’s been a therapy dog since June 2014 and has a lot of people who love him and are waiting for him to resume his regular visits to the assisted living, nursing home, and memory care center he was visiting weekly. Through Dexter’s journey, I believe that I’m educating people that there is another option to TPLO surgery.

We are still at the beginning of our rehab journey with the brace, but Dexter is doing well and I’m sure will continue to improve as we move forward.

Thank you from the bottom on my heart. I am so happy I found!!!

Kathleen H.
Lake Havasu City, AZ

Posh Dog Knee Brace, Reviews

Bilateral Husky Recovering With NO surgery (& No Casting!) ​ Tracy M, Mom Of Kona, 9 Year Old Husky, Arizona 

NOTE from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Just like us in 2013 with our Beloved Angel Pasha, Kona’s parents were given ONE option for a severe bilateral CCL injury to their beloved boy: major surgery at a very high cost – on a 9 year old boy. See the before and after vids below of handsome Kona.

“Handsome Husky and Posh Dog:

Bad luck! Bilateral torn CCL! Both need surgery. These words greeted our ears from the friendly neighborhood vet who sincerely sympathizes with our precious pup, Kona. Sadly, the cost of surgery was prohibitive and unattractive for our situation. As a happy nearly nine year old husky, Kona loves long walks, playing in the back yard, and sleeping on the cold tile. Tearing his CCL ligaments stopped all but one of these favorite activities. We went on a hunt to find an alternative treatment to return Kona to his fun-loving self. 

Through a thorough internet search, we found Posh Dog knee braces. After reading research and watching YouTube videos of the product in action, we decided that Posh Dog knee braces were perfect for Kona. The service was amazing! 

We completed the simple measurements and photos and within 3 days Kona was wearing his new knee braces. His first time on them was a little shaky, but by day 3 he was able to walk 15 minutes twice a day. He went on his first outing since his injury to a favorite walking path along the Colorado River and he acted like his old self – sniffing, trotting, and chasing other dogs. Thank you Posh Dog for providing this awesome product and service for our handsome husky!”

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