Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery

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Success Stories Part 7

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Rosie, Lab, Jim Smith, Englewood OH

I have been very impressed with the Posh Knee Brace. Speaking with you a number of times before purchasing the knee brace for our dog as I told you on the phone when we spoke as an Exercise Physiologist and understanding the human physiology and movement you were able to explain to me how the brace works on a canine. I was very impressed by our conversations. I was also able to talk to 3 different veterinarians about the surgery compared to the brace. Two of the three liked the idea of trying the brace first and seeing if our dog improved, one wanted to only do surgery.

A couple of issues with braces in the past.

Braces slip — Well I can tell you Posh has not slipped on us once since we were trained on Tuesday Nov 23.

Dogs. chew it, bite it — Well our dog has had zero issues

Dogs do not like it — After the first day our dog does not mind us putting it on her at all

This past week we have been able to work with her and we have seen the improvement. Her gait is improving with the brace and without. Her leg strength and flexibility is improving daily. I have been very impressed with it seeing her improvement. I am taking her to a couple of veterinarians so they can see how this brace works instead of surgery. Hopefully, they will like it too.

Jim Smith

Bilateral Cruciate Injury And Full Recovery With No Surgery:
Sanj B., Mom of Mahi, 4 Year Old Lab/Pit Mix, Fremont CA

Mahi, our PitLab mix girl had a full Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture on her rear left knee in Feb 2016, when she was only 3 years old. We consulted couple of OrthoVets who are considered Best in the industry. Everyone of them recommended the dreaded TPLO surgery. Being an intuitive dog Mom, we decided to take the long, sometimes frustrating Holistic treatment route, and thus, started our research to find a Knee Brace that can help in our ACL journey. (Of course with an open mind, in case the holistic treatment fails, we will go the surgery route).

Given the varied options of Dog Knee braces out there, we were confused which one to pick for Mahi. Posh was recommended to us by an acquaintance. After speaking with Jim (owner) and Rick (Technician), we placed the order for our 1st brace. I was amazed how invested Posh is in our Dog’s well-being. We were just not a ‘Sale Account’ for them! They ensured the brace fits Mahi properly; they did frequent check-ins to make sure we don’t have any issue; they provided their recommendations on supplements, exercises, and many other stuff.

https://youtu.be/QZAQx29wMkU : The 1st Video shows Mahi’s condition before we got her the Posh Knee brace. Fast forward to today, June 2017, Mahi is going REGULARLY for close to 2 miles Hike on an uneven terrain. She also started playing fetch (briefly) – a game she loved and enjoyed before her accident. Thanks to POSH for helping our Girl be what she is…. a DOG, who loves to run and play with other dogs. I couldn’t even think of letting her run the way she is doing without those amazing Knee Braces!

https://youtu.be/Om4D4KkIils – Mahi enjoying to be a DOG, thanks to POSH

​https://youtu.be/3ncojGjprI0 – Mahi loving being the Guard dog along with her Big Brother, Casper.

THANK YOU POSH. Much Love and Wags from our family to your entire team for being the AWESOME TEAM/COMPANY that you are.

Success Stories about our Posh Dog Knee Brace if your dog experiences a CCL/ACL tear or issues with their knees contact us at (509) 412-3065

9th Birthday Celebration At The Beach (& No Casting!) ​
Gisell V, Mom Of Ollie, 9 Year Old Lab, Virginia 

NOTE From Posh Dog Knee Brace:  Our Beloved Golden Angel Pasha had a complete rupture of her CCL and a severely damaged meniscus in her left hind leg in May 2013. Each day, we had been taking her to St. Augustine beach to play since 2007. From the very first Posh brace we put on Pasha in 2013, we designed our Posh brace to be marine proof, including salt water. It is wonderful to see Ollie frolicking at the beach wearing his flexible, salt water proof Posh Brace! 

“When we first found Posh Dog Knee brace, we were skeptical; could it be that great? Well, we researched it a bit further. All of the reviews were positive (and the videos do not lie!). We decided to contact them for more information. From the beginning their customer services has been honest, quick, and, most importantly, consistent. They answered all my questions and it did not feel like just another sale, so we decided to move forward with the purchase.

In less than 2 months, Ollie has made incredible progress. We understand the healing process for all dogs is different, but nothing beats having Posh available to answer all our questions. I know that I can email them at any time and I will get an honest and quick answer to help my boy.

Ollie celebrated his 9th birthday swimming naturally with his brace on and this is only possible because of Posh; Ollie is enjoying himself and being a dog WHILE he recovers. I am forever thankful for Posh.”

Another Great Story. – Randy, Father Of April, 3 Year Old Adorable Tripawd – Tennessee

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​Aprils’ father, Randy contacted us late Saturday evening on October 22, 2016. By Wednesday October26, 2016, this absolutely adorable girl April, was wearing a custom Posh Dog Knee Brace. It took us 3 days, not 3 weeks, to help April. This is because we have eliminated casting and are faster than any other custom Dog knee brace company, on the planet!

Not only do we make the best CCL brace, but we make sure it fits with a free video call with one of our superb Veterinary Technicians, as we did with April. Our passion is helping Dogs, and we would love to help yours.

“April is a mixed breed female tri-pawed, that we originally fostered for The Big Fluffy Dog Rescue. We failed at fostering and adopted into our family. She is a little over 3 years old with 4 surgeries currently under her collar. Three of the them on the same leg. You can follow her story on Facebook @Ionlyneedtwolegs (April’s Story).

About a year ago, we noticed her favoring her good rear leg. The diagnosis, a twisted CCL. We tried various remedies, laser therapy, massage, swimming, but each time she would eventually start favoring that leg. Very discouraging since surgery would be her only option, and well outside our budget. We questioned if any type of brace would help, but was told none existed. Luckily we saw a story on custom fitted braces for dogs diagnosed with a CCL injury. We contacted Posh Dog Knee Brace http://www.poshdogkneebrace.com/.

Although it was late on a Monday by the time we had all of the pictures and measurements approved/submitted, with rush delivery, we had the Posh Dog Knee Brace before noon on Wednesday. When the brace arrived the instructions and videos made it easy to ensure properly wearing. With a follow up Skype chat with the Vet Tech confirmed it was on correctly. Posh Dog Knee Brace has been available each step of the way.

Prior to receiving her brace April would stand on 2 legs with her injured leg shaking. The hip muscle was tight, and a noticeable loss of muscle tone. After 4 weeks of wearing the brace she is using the leg, the muscle is relaxed, and muscle is returning. Her mental attitude and zest for life has fully returned. She even seems to look forward to wearing the brace.

April is happy that we chose Posh Dog Knee Brace, and that they have provided her with a non-surgical solution. Without this option, we were beginning to feel a sense of failure in keeping the commitment to her care when we made her a member of the family.

From A Great Dane Breeder – Kelly, Mom Of Buddy, 14 Mth. Old Great Dane

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​Kelly shows and breeds gorgeous, healthy Great Danes. Please read her story about her experience with Posh Dog Knee Brace and one of our superb Licensed Veterinary Technicians. Helping injured Dogs recover from a painful cruciate injury – with NO surgery – is what we love to do!

“Our Journey on the Cruciate Injury Trail

On July 21, 2017 our then 14.5 month old Brindle Great Dane Buddy presented with an injury to his right rear leg. We first thought he pulled something or just landed wrong causing soreness after being outside in the dog yard playing. After 3 days of seeing no improvement we took him in to our vet to see what was going on. After researching we had a good idea that it was a cruciate injury but we were hoping for the best. It was in fact a partial cruciate ligament tear of the right knee.

Course of treatment was strict crate rest, a round of Ad e quan injections, supplements and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy sessions weekly. I also wanted to look into braces for him for that added stability so that his leg had extra support when he went out on a leash or even in the house when he wasn’t in his crate. 

Posh Dog Knee Braces came highly recommended by many and was my choice based off of construction alone. Buddy is a show dog and he needed a brace that would fit him well, was lightweight, very strong and flexible so that once cleared by our vet he could start getting fit again for the show ring and still be able to wear his brace on a continued basis for extra support.

Luckily a long time good friend of ours happened to have a Posh Dog Knee Brace that was for her Dane Admiral who is very close in size to Buddy. Thanks to Jami A. we were able to use a Posh Dog Knee Brace until we could purchase Buddy’s. This alone secured the fact that a Posh Dog Knee Brace was the best brace option for Buddy. I could not have asked for better customer service within a company like what we received. They made the purchase smooth and Jami came out to our house to measure Buddy for his and also came back out to make sure it fit him perfectly.

Fast forward to October 16, 2017 which was 13 weeks and 3 days post injury Buddy was cleared by Dr. Lori Cavitt at Henderson Animal Care Hospital to return to the show ring once he was fit. She was almost shocked at the quick healing time for Buddy. Between Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy, the Posh Dog Knee Brace and being very strict with him during his recovery, Dr. Cavitt mentioned that his healing was phenomenal for only being injured 13 weeks prior.

I can’t say enough nice things about the brace and the company itself. When any pet gets injured it’s tough seeing them hurt and being able to help reduce the strain of that injury and get them back to 100% means the world to their owner. I know it did for us. To be able to have Buddy return to the show ring at all, much less 13 weeks post injury is a godsend. Thank you Posh Dog for building a quality brace that was an integral part of Buddy’s recovery and will continue to help him through out his life when he needs extra support.

Kelly & Shawn F.
KindleFire Great Danes
Exhibitors of AKC Great Danes in Conformation, Obedience & Rally”

Custom Modification – Jamie, Parent Of Tilly, 5 Y.O. Terrier Mix. CA & UK

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​Jamie contacted us about her 20 Lb. Terrier Mix, Tilly, in July 2017. Typically

smaller Dogs leg topography can present a fitting issue. We gladly modified Tilly’s small brace, using new designs, until it fit perfectly. All at no extra charge.

“Posh Dog Knee Brace operates out of Palm Coast, Florida and produces knee braces for dogs who have suffered from CCL, ACL or other leg injuries.

I purchased one of their braces after having no luck with a similar company (Mutt Knee Dog Brace, the review is on their Yelp page if you are interested.) I found them online and saw some positive reviews on Facebook.

My wife and I decided to use this kind of treatment after ruling out surgery as we felt it would be too invasive and the risks were too great. Our vet basically told me that there was no guarantee that surgery would be beneficial and that recovery would take months anyway. We didn’t want to put my dog through the stress of surgery and the rehabilitation period, so opted for a brace instead. The brace itself was only about $200 cheaper than surgery would have been but we still felt that it was the right way to go.

Our dog is a 20lb chihuahua mix and her small size makes forming a proper brace somewhat of a challenge. Her CCL was badly torn in the rear left leg. She had been limping for about 3 months because the previous brace gave her no support and the vet insisted that surgery was the only option.

PDKB were really helpful every step of the ordering process. There was an initial skype measurement consultation with an affiliated vet tech to ensure that the owner takes the correct measurements. After the measurements were recorded I waited about a week for the brace to arrive. Unfortunately, the brace didn’t fit quite right and was sent back to PDKB to be adjusted. When I got it back PDKB set up another Skype consultation but it still wasn’t fitting properly.

The next thing I know, the owner of the company Skyped me and walked me through everything, taking a bunch of notes on the fit of the brace. I sent it back one last time for an adjustment and when I got it back, had another skype consultation to check that everything was working right. PDKB held my hand through the entire process and never made me feel like I was an inconvenience. Everyone really seemed to care about my dog’s recovery.

The brace itself is a simple polymer shell with an EVA foam type lining that is stitched together. The pieces are riveted together with nylon webbing, velcro, and D straps allowing for adjustment. It’s not a medical grade job or a mass-produced medical accessory. It’s clearly handmade, but I couldn’t care less about that. The thing is well thought out, provides plenty of support to the leg and allows for adjustment as the leg regains muscle mass. This was an important factor in choosing this particular brace because my dog’s leg had atrophied due to the injury.

My dog has been using the brace for about 6 weeks now and she’s gone from not bearing any weight at all to walking normally with and without the brace. I still ensure that she wears the brace on walks as it provides a lot of lateral support, but she runs around the house and even stands on her rear legs without the need for the brace.

I honestly wasn’t sure about PDKB after my terrible experience with the Mutt Knee Brace but I’m glad I opted to go this route instead of getting the surgery.

The recovery she’s made has been miraculous. There was a time when I didn’t know if she would ever walk normally, let alone run, again. Now she’s playing fetch and going swimming as if nothing ever happened.

The one criticism I do have about PDKB is that their website really needs a better UI/UX design. It looks like an Angelfire website from the late 90s. A lot of spammy text, not much transparency. It left me initially very hesitant to buy the brace.

For example, a video of a vet talking about the brace but no actual address for the company or name of the owner. I even know the name of the owner’s dog Pasha, who suffered a leg injury and was the first dog to recover by using a PDKB (so the story goes.) To me this seems like they don’t want to be held legally responsible for dogs who don’t recover. I had to sign a bunch of paperwork during the process so I think the company is covered in this regard. There needs to be a more personal touch. Is it bad for business if this thing wasn’t invented by a vet? I don’t think so. There are already videos of vets who give their stamp of approval. Why does it matter if the guy who founded the company isn’t a vet?

If I knew the name of the owner (the guy who helped me on Skype, sorry, forgot his name) I would thank him personally for creating this contraption! Job well done!”

Additional Note From Posh: We use Velcro, not micro-buckles on smaller Dogs, due to limited space. We totally agree with Jamie about our website and we are going to launch a new state-of-the-art site before August 2018. (We loved her analysis of our current site – so true!) We also apologize for failing to name the owners of PoshDogKneeBrace.com / Posh Ortho Dog Inc. – Jim and Beth Morrison, Pasha’s parents. We thank Jamie for her constructive analysis!

Read reviews check out our Google Reviews online. Click Here

Success Stories Part 6

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Another Non-Surgical Full Recovery From A Bilateral Injury
Jaye, Dad of Roxy, 5 Y. O. Bernese Mountain Dog – Brentwood CA

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – Roxy is a 5 year old gorgeous Bernese Mountain Dog, who was not weight bearing because of her bilateral CCL injuries less than a year ago. Her vet resoundingly said: “a knee brace for Dogs will not work, and stressed TPLO surgery.” Instead of the debilitating TPLO surgery, her father, Jaye, put two Posh Braces on her. Take a look at her now – and here are Jayes’ comments:​

“Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that Roxy is nearly 100%!!! It’s been 11 months since her first CCL and meniscus tear and 9 months since her 2nd. Here’s a really terrible video of her walking without any braces. It’s hard to believe she was completely non weight bearing before. I can’t thank you all enough and I can’t believe more people don’t opt for this route vs the terrible TPLO. Believe it or not I still haven’t convinced our original vet that this worked but our new vet is sold!!! Thank the entire team for us!!”

Jaye P. 

Healing A Bilateral In Japan – Robin, Mom Of Zeke, 18 Mth. Old Japanese Akita – Japan

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​Robin contacted us about her handsome baby Zeke, who suffered a bilateral injury. They are in the US Air Force and stationed in Japan, 7,720 miles from us in Florida. With no casting, we had a pair of custom Posh braces sent out to Zeke, within 2 days of Robin doing a facetime call with our lead Veterinary Technician, Nikki. We help Dogs around the world, and can get our custom Posh Brace out to a customers across the globe in less than 10 days, not a month +, like other custom Dog knee brace companies!

I am beyond pleased with the Posh Dog Knee Brace team. From day one they were so understanding of our time difference, since we are stationed overseas in Japan. They worked with me to make sure we had a good time that worked for both of us and even offered to have us video call with a technician from another time zone! When on video chat they helped me remeasure what was needed for Zeke’s brace and explained why we needed each measurement. It was not any awkward conversations during the video chats which is always such a pleasure! It was easy and fun to communicate with the crew.

Zeke has shown so much improvement since purchasing the bilateral knee brace. He is now able to have his energy binges without me trying to get him to not put pressure on his knees! The brace’s construction and custom details to fit his exact legs are superb. Thank you to the company and team for your hospitality and work in helping my big guy walk again! 

Also, I mentioned that someone referred to me to the company because they bought their dog a brace from you guys. I just want to make sure she receives her reward. Her name is Mindy V. (Note from Posh – Mindy was sent her reward of $85 for referring Zeke, a bilateral to us.)

Thank you,
Robin K. – U.S. Air Force, Japan

Success Stories

Salt Water Proof. – Carole, Mom Of Jesse, 18 Mth. Old Giant Schaunzer – Arizona

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​A Posh brace is not only waterproof, it is salt water proof. Jesse is wearing a black Posh brace on his left hind leg. Around the 20 – 30 second mark you can see it on his left hind leg. Jesse did NOT endure surgery and he is NOT sitting in a cage with a painful horrible scar; instead Jesse is having loads of fun running on the beach at Del Mar CA, playing with other dogs, and recovering from his Dog knee injury with a Posh brace. We want to help your Dog avoid surgery also!

1st Note from Carole: “Just a quick note to tell you how much improvement we see in Jesse. He actually likes the brace and he is walking fairly solid on all fours. We plan to take him to the beach in mid October. Will try to get pictures then and even now as he works as a service dog. We are thrilled with his progress. 

Thanks for all your help. I’ve never felt alone in this nightmare.

Carole & Jesse”

2nd Note from Carole: “The Giant Schnauzer you see in this video is Jesse James. Jesse is 21 months old. He certified as a Service Dog and as a Therapy Dog when he was 14 months old. This summer, Jesse suffered an ACL tear and was unable to put any weight on his left hind foot. He was also lame on the R. front leg due to the extra weight it had to carry. He was in so much pain and could barely move. We did not want to do the suggested surgery and after spending hours on the computer, we found the POSH KNEE BRACE site. 

The brace arrived within a week of ordering it in August 2016. Jesse wears this brace twice a day for 1-2 hours and definitely when we exercise him in any way. This video was taken October 21, 2016. Jesse is wearing the brace in this video. You can see how stable and secure Jesse is today. He actually likes his brace! What a drastic change in two months. Still wearing the brace, Jesse will return to his Service dog status and Therapy dog service. 

I highly recommend this extremely well-made brace and the service that follows. Outstanding company who really cares for our dogs.’

No Casting Required. – Mona, A Special 8 Year Old Girl With 3 Legs – Kentucky

FROM: PoshDogKneeBrace.com – ​Monas’ Mom and Dad contacted Posh Dog Knee Brace on February 28, 2016. Their beautiful girl had her right forearm amputated because of osteosarcoma in mid-January 2016. Then barely a month later, she suffered a complete rupture of her right hind leg cranial cruciate ligament. She literally could not stand, as her entire right side legs were gone. Having lost our Beloved Golden Pasha to cancer in December, we were acutely sensitive to the feelings of Monas’ parents.

We heard of her moving plight on Sunday 2/28, when we usually don’t work. But Mona could not walk, so that was our priority. Monas’ parents took the simple measurements and pictures of Monas’ leg and emailed those to us. From hundreds of miles away, and without seeing Mona in person, we custom made Monas’ CCL brace on Monday and overnighted her stifle brace to her. On Tuesday, March 1, 2016, gorgeous Mona was walking again. No archaic casting of Monas’ leg was needed – and we custom made another great fitting Posh Dog Knee Brace!

She had seen enough problems the month before, so we wanted her to start being a lovely Goldendoodle again! Well, here she is walking again, being Mona. We are so glad we could help her, and in record time! In just 2 days – she had a custom Posh Dog Knee Brace on her leg. Let us help your Dog avoid surgery, by recovering with our state of the art Dog leg brace!

No Casting Required. – Mare, Mom of Twizzle, 7 YO Adorable Terrier – MI

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Our customer, Filmmaker Mare Costello, has made a wonderful short film about her adorable girl Twizzle and her non-surgical recovery from a severe CCL injury, wearing her Posh Dog Knee Brace!]

“Twizzle, the wonder dog and actress, has been through a lot since the end of last November when she was chasing a squirrel half way down our block leading to a diagnoses of a stage 3 CCL (ACL in human terms) tear. Surgery was immediately suggested which when I found out how much the cheapest costs, how 75% of the dogs tear the other, not to mention, the kind of recovery we would still be doing I chose the lesser known route of conservative management, photonic red light therapy, changed her diet from the ground up and found out about the Posh Dog Knee Brace!

Enjoy this video that speaks to this. I’m more than happy to answer any of your questions as I’ve been documenting her progress since the beginning. She has now been in this recovery for 226 days total with a re-ingury making a new total of days 116 and the last 54 using the brace. She is stable but still has months more of recovery.

We even have cool hand painted black/white “Twizzle” t-shirts to raise funds for her recovery and awareness to the alternate methods of handling your dogs life threatening knee injuries. Send a request to info@freeproductionsllc.com

Read reviews check out our Google Reviews online. Click Here

Success Stories Part 5

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Helping Dogs Around The World: Mike And Shirley P,
Parents Of Poppy, 4 Year Old Great Dane – Britain

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: This is gorgeous Poppy, two days after she recieved her custom NO CASTING, waterproof Posh Dog Knee Brace. From the time her parents in England contacted us, until they had a Posh Brace on Poppys leg, it took only eleven days, including a 5 day hold in customs. Any other company takes at least a month or longer to deliver their product to Europe. 

“After being diagnosed with a cranial cruciate ligament rupture at our regular vets on her right hind leg, we looked at the options for poppy’s recovery. Not wanting to subject her to surgery and concerned that given her size and weight she may, under conservative management, damage her left leg ligaments.

It was after a lot of research on the internet we discovered custom leg braces. After speaking to a UK based american company we became very interested in leg braces and the support they give during the healing process.
At this point whilst looking at custom braces we discovered Posh Dog and were very impressed with the quality of the brace and the professional way in which the website presented.

The video we have attached shows Poppy enjoying herself after being kept in after several weeks. We must stress that this video shows Poppy wearing the brace for only the fourth time out and I think you can see that she is very happy to be free, it also shows how confident we are in your product.

Thank you all for your help

Mike and Shirley P.

p.s Next day she was playing with four small dogs in a river with no adverse affects apart from extreme tiredness.

Update May 1, 2017, After Posh sent a rebate for the great pics and vid of Poppy in the UK: 

Good morning Nikki 

We would just like to thank you so much for the refund for these pics you made to us ,it was very much appreciated. Poppy is doing so well and we can’t thank you enough for the knee brace that has helped her so much. We took her to our vets for her annual vaccination and check over on Friday and she was wearing her brace, we had told our vet that we were going to get a brace and he was so impressed when he saw Poppy!

He called three other colleagues to have a look at it and they were also very impressed. We have given him the website and he has told us he will be looking at it so hopefully he may contact you.

Kind regards,

Success Stories

Easy To Clean – Jenni C. Mom Of Boondock, A Handsome 7 Year Old Labrador
Lakeside, Ontario Canada ( We Help Lots Of Dogs In Canada)

“Posh Dog Knee Brace – Boondock has a partial acl tear (knee injury) and used to limp/cry in pain after any type of exercise. We would have to continuously rest his leg until he stopped limping. Surgery was quoted anywhere between 2500-5000 with 8-12 months on leash & restricted exercise. I found Posh Dog Knee Brace and ordered a brace.

Only after a couple weeks I have noticed a big difference. He can participate in extensive exercise (running/playing/jumping/climbing/swimming) & after removing the brace he does not limp. He is now starting to put weight back on his leg. I also didn’t notice how slow he was running with his injury until his brace came. It is also super easy to clean with just water (boon loves the mud).

Posh customer service is amazing as they go out of their way to help you measure and accurately fit the brace with two video calls (company from the states) & guidelines/instructions on how to adequately measure your pup. With pictures & a video, Posh determined Boon needed adjustments to his brace for better fitting, which is to be followed up with a video call.

It also shipped in less then a week, which is quicker than anything I’ve ordered in Canada. If you are looking for a more cost effective & simpler alternative to surgery, I highly recommend. I can’t thank the Posh company enough for giving me my dog’s life back, he is so happy!

No Casting – And Their Experience With Their Vet: – Brenda & Michael,
Parents Of Annie, 12 Year Old Australian Shepherd – Southern California

Note From Posh Dog Knee Brace: Following is a letter a recent customer sent us, regarding her interaction with her vet and about her interaction with our company. This particular vet was very rude to these people and demanded that their 12 YEAR old Dog undergo TPLO surgery. The severe complication rate of anesthesia in geriatric Dogs is about 700% [seven times] worse than younger Dogs.

We went through a similar experience with a very similar vet in 2013, which led to the creation of Posh Dog Knee Brace. Our former vet also insisted on giving very toxic and dangerous NSAIDS like rimadyl to our Beloved Golden Pasha [which we refused to do]. There are many good vets out there, but if you have a vet like this one, we hope that you also: fire that vet!

​”Dear Nikki,

Thank you for the email regarding physical therapy information for Annie and the recommended supplements we talked about. You asked us to keep in touch and let you know how things went with the veterinarian today, so here goes. 😏

We went to our Vet at 11:00 today after our 9:00 Skype call with you. It was interesting and eye opening, to say the least. The younger female assistant who came in the room to see Annie first had never seen a brace like Annie’s or heard anything about bracing for dogs with ACL injuries. She didn’t say much at all about Annie’s brace. You could tell she was very skeptical. When the actual doctor came in he refused to even acknowledge that there was a brace lying on the examination table waiting for his comment. It was apparently invisible to him even though I thought he would have noticed the bright teal color of it.

He entered the room talking in a very chastising tone and the first thing he said was that the turmeric paste I had purchased was worthless because it didn’t say how many milligrams of turmeric were in each tablespoon. His words were, “This is junk!” Okay. That’s fair. Maybe it was, I guess, but his tone of voice and body language made it very apparent that he was NOT happy with the research I had done or the decision we had made, on our own, to go with a more conservative treatment for Annie.

He also let us know, in no uncertain terms, that our efforts of feeding her turmeric paste and taking her off of the prescription anti-inflammatories was just wrong and not very bright on our part! He insinuated that we were these poor, pathetic, gullible dog owners that had spent time and money on something that was just ridiculous and poor Annie was now paying the price for our inept efforts to heal her more naturally. During our first appointment, after he looked at X-Rays, he told us that Annie had torn her ACL in her left, rear, back knee.

At this second visit, without any further tests, he stated that she had come to see him originally for a “completely blown ACL”. Hmmm…that was a different diagnosis. If we had seen so much improvement in Annie using her Posh brace and witnessed her ability to walk nearly normal with it on, then how could her ACL be worse now than a month ago?

He was in the room about 10 to15 minutes total. He said Annie was 6 pounds overweight although he never mentioned that before. Granted she had gained 2 pounds from lack of normal activity since her last visit, but he acted as if she was grossly obese!

He then proceeded to tell us that if we couldn’t achieve 4 pounds of weight loss that he would be forced (and so would we, I guess) to put her on a prescription dry kibble diet food for weight management that would expand in her stomach so that she would eat less and therefore lose weight. I didn’t think that sounded like a healthy option, at all.

The food we currently feed her was invented by 2 veterinarians and is made with all fresh FDA quality ingredients with no preservatives. They cook and prepare it daily on site from all fresh ingredients. It has chicken, rice, kale, potatoes, carrots, Apple’s and blueberries.

Sometimes we switch it out for the lamb and rice for variety. Since she’s been eating this food she loves for over a year she seems so much more healthy and energetic. That combined with the organic milk thistle we add to her food 3 times a day, and her liver functions have returned to almost normal.

Prior to us making the switch to “Just Food For Dogs” her liver functions were sky high and she would throw up yellow bile and have shaking spells on an almost daily basis! It was awful!

Okay. I’ll try to make what could be an even longer story shorter. The doctor acted as if we were ignorant and made absolutely no comment on her brace, nor did he ask any questions about it. It was apparently invisible to him even though you would think the bright teal color would have caught his eye. He left the room without even acknowledging the brace at all.

He did, of course, mention surgery. We were told that she absolutely had to go back on prescription anti-inflammatories and gabapentin, even though I had told him she had very high liver function tests in the past and that when she was on the anti-inflammatory drugs she had stopped eating, got diarrhea and was throwing up. He did not want to hear anything I had to say.

So we left with 2 more prescriptions that she can’t and shouldn’t take that were about $115.00, along with instructions to put her back on opiates. That’s not going to happen. He never said ONE word about her Posh Knee Brace.

When I asked the assistant, who came back in after the doctor had finished his speech and left the room, what he thought of the brace she got embarrassed and mumbled something I couldn’t understand. You could tell that the last thing she wanted to do was go ask him. From his attitude and actions it was crystal clear he was not happy with us! He was rude, impatient, talked over me and was very demeaning.

So, what do I think after this experience with the vet? I think he is arrogant, rude and likes to feel superior to his clients, (after all, how could we possibly know anything about Annie after taking care of her everyday for only 13 years. I mean we aren’t doctors!) as well as not liking to admit that there is something he doesn’t know anything about or understand. I’m also even more grateful that I did my own research and made the decision to order a knee brace for Annie from your company!

I don’t know if I’m the first dog parent who’s been treated this way for trying a more natural, conservative treatment approach for an older senior dog, but what I do know is this; that is the last time he will have the opportunity to talk down to me and act as if I am stupid and harming my dog more than I’m helping her! I’m sorry!

I guess this did end up being a long story, after all! However, I would like to say thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your help and information you have given to us so that we can be even more educated and active than before in Annie’s recovery. I believe, without a doubt, we are doing what is right and best for our dog.

Brenda and Michael

UPDATE June 2017: 

“Hi! We just wanted to give you an update on Annie since we last spoke. She started wearing her POSH knee brace for her daily walks about 2 months ago. In that time we have seen so much improvement and healing. She is now able to go for walks to her favorite place; the park. She is wonderful about letting us put her brace on because that means she’s going for an adventure.

I’ve included a video update of her progress so you can see how much improvement she has experienced. The beginning was so hard because she had torn her ACL and I could tell Annie was in a tremendous amount of pain.

I am so grateful that I didn’t follow advice from the Vet that she should have the standard, traumatic, expensive and risky surgery. Seeing her excited to go for walks again is awesome! Thank you again for your support. Purchasing the POSH KNEE BRACE, for Annie, who just turned 13, was absolutely the right decision. We have our happy Annie back and that is the best result ever! 

I would love to be able to share our story with others who are considering that traumatic, painful, expensive Surgery that doesn’t always turn out so well. We preferred a non-surgical, less invasive procedure and your innovative knee brace made that possible. I am so thankful I took the time to research other treatment options. I want to say thank you again. Annie is thankful too, from the bottom of her heart! Your company and your product has been a godsend for us!

Brenda, Michael and. Annie
Annie coming home after her walk.”

Annie having her bath in her POSH knee brace
Annie: Happy and DRY.

No Casting Required. – Kristen, Mom of Rosie, 6 ? Year Old Border Collie – WA

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Following is a note a customer sent to us about their beloved Dog Rosie, who suffered from a cranial cruciate ligament rupture in her left hind leg back in 11/15. Instead of Dog knee surgery, they decided to treat Rosie conservatively with a custom Dog knee brace. Like all of our customers, Kris and Ross did not have to go through the ordeal of paying to make a cast, or trying to find a vet who would even make one.

We sent Rosies’ custom Posh Brace out within a few days of Kristens’ contact with us. Rosie is doing great and, just as we did in 2013 with our Beloved Angel Pasha, her parents are being careful to avoid activity which can cause re-injury (which BTW, is quite common even after surgery). As we do with EVERY Dog, we took care of Rosie just like she was our Dog ].

“We wanted to give you an update on Rosie’s condition.

In November of 2015 Rosie was diagnosed with a probable cruciate ligament tear which we suspect happened during frisbee playing.  She had a pronounced limp and frequently would struggle to rise after lying down.

After a lot of research we opted for conservative management, and in late November we began using a custom-made brace created for Rosie by Posh Dog.  We also started her right away on GlycoFlex Level 3 supplement for her joints which we will keep her on for the rest of her life.

We put Rosie on a gradually increasing exercise program beginning with a 5-minute walk twice a day for a week, and increasing this by 5-minute increments each week as long as we didn’t see any indications that she was having a setback.  When she wasn’t on her walk with her brace on, she was in the house with us or tied on a short lead outside so as to prevent her from doing any running.  We only put the brace on when she was going for her twice-daily walks.

After the first few days and a bit of adjustment, we found the brace pretty easy to put on and take off.  It took a few weeks before Rosie became accepting of having the brace put on, and we discovered that it was much easier if we did it with her lying down rather than standing.  She seemed less upset about having it put on that way.

We kept Rosie on this regimen for somewhere between 5 and 6 months.  In the spring we experimented with taking Rosie on a very short walk without the brace on around our home, keeping her on a leash so she had to stay at a quiet walk.  This went well and we began increasing her walking program without the brace on, using the same schedule of increased walking time that we had earlier.  As it happens, Rosie made great progress from that point forward and by mid summer was allowed to be outside unrestrained in our yard.

So now, in January of 2017, Rosie is about 14 months past her original diagnosis, and there is no sign of the limp that was originally quite significant.  She also no longer has episodes where she intermittently appears stiff after a good round of activity which she had in the earlier months after discontinuing the brace.  Basically she is more fully recovered than we ever really expected her to be.

We don’t play long frisbee with her anymore; there is no doubt in our minds that the jumping, landing impact, cutting and pivoting is a high risk activity for her (and probably any dog).  So we throw the frisbee 3-4 feet directly at her while we are at sitting level, and she seems quite happy with that.  We have purchased a ramp so she won’t be jumping in and out of the car anymore.  Other than that, she is back to a normal life.

We appreciate the care and attention we were offered by your company when we purchased the Posh Dog brace.  The brace itself was well-made and held up well throughout the twice-a-day winter walks in the wet Pacific Northwest.   For anyone considering a conservative bracing program as an alternative to surgery, we can wholeheartedly recommend Posh Dog.

 From Rosie and her pack, Kris & Ross

Read reviews check out our Google Reviews online. Click Here

Success Stories Part 4

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Another Bilateral Injury Recovering With No Surgery.
​Denise, Mom of Moo, 5 Year Old Saint Berdoodle – OH

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Denise writes about her experience with Posh Dog Knee Brace. Since her Dog Moo needed two Posh braces, we discounted the second Posh Brace by at least $160, (regardless of when a customer orders a second brace). No other company discounts a second brace like this. Additionally, for bilaterals, we include a free “rush,” i.e. 1 – 2 day fabrication and overnight shipping. 

“We love our dog’s leg braces!!!! Thank you Posh!

Our 5 year old St. Berdoodle, Moo, injured his left rear CCL and we were trying to let it heal by restricting his activity and using anti-inflammatory meds. His other rear leg became injured during this period, probably because there was extra strain on it due to the other CCL injury. Our Vet recommended surgery for both CCL’s but we wanted to avoid surgery. With his size of 150 lbs., surgery would be so hard on him, and us, plus the possibility of reinjuring his legs would be much higher. We searched the internet for viable alternate options.

We were hopeful when we found Posh dog braces. They seemed to provide support and we liked the fact that, even if we eventually required surgery, the brace can be used to protect and support the leg during the healing process. The price is high but well worth the cost if we could avoid surgery, which would be thousands. Another huge advantage is that we do the measuring at home, ourselves. Many of the competitors braces required the dog to be sedated and casted in a veterinary facility. We didn’t want to cause Moo any more stress and we definitely avoid sedation or anesthesia whenever possible.

So we ordered braces for both of Moo’s rear legs. The measuring process seemed overwhelming, but actually, was straightforward and very thoroughly explained. We sent the measurements and photos in and received Moo’s braces 3 days later. We were THRILLED! These braces are great quality! We were so impressed with the materials used and the overall craftsmanship of the braces.

​We worried that Moo would hate them and it would take a long time for him to adjust but, to our amazement, when we put the braces on him, he seemed to not even notice that they were on! He had the support that he needed and didn’t mind them at all!

He wears the left brace every day when he is active but doesn’t need the right one all the time now, because he is no longer putting all of his weight on the right leg. Before the braces, if we went on even short walks, he would be so sore that he could barely bear weight on his left leg. We can take him for short walks every day now and he doesn’t limp at all afterwards.

These braces have given us the ability to strengthen his legs without further damaging them. They provide us the security and peace of mind that he can be active and not cause more injury. The customer service at Posh is wonderful! The braces are the best that we’ve found. Moo is enjoying life again! We are so happy that we found Posh! Thank you Posh!

UPDATE: 4 months later – July 2017

Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that Moo’s rehab is going great! Thank you for all of your help also. We are thrilled with your customer service AFTER the purchase of our braces!

Every concern, question, or inquiry that we have contacted you with has been handled quickly and efficiently. And everyone there is SO NICE!! We really are “wowed” with your company.

He is getting stronger every day. Thanks again for everything!


No Casting Required. – Ashley, Mom of Diesel, 6 YO Cane Corso – PA

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: another great review from a Dog Mom named Ashley, whose 130 pound Cane Corso is named Diesel. Diesel was barely able to walk a month ago, after this 6 year old handsome boy had severe complete ruptures of the cranial cruciate ligaments in both hind legs. Look how Diesel is doing now – with NO debilitating, painful, risky, expensive surgery and 2 Posh Dog Braces for ACL injuries!

“Hello! I just wanted to update you on diesels progress. I am so thrilled to tell you how much progress he has made. He is now able to get up unassisted, get himself on to the couch, and is even trying to jog in the yard! We of course don’t allow him to, but the fact that he is even trying to leaps about bounds away from a month ago when he was barely able to get outside to use the bathroom. Much to my amazement he is tolerating the braces without issue and will even stand patiently while I get them strapped on.

Being from the veterinary world I can’t believe how little information there is being given to patients about this alternative, and I’m loving showing off D’s progress to the doubters wink emoticon

This past weekend we had a doggie fundraising event and diesel showed off his braces to all who would watch! It definitely got him a lot of attention and he was loving it! I included some pictures and a couple videos for you to see his progress as well. I’ll try and get you some better ones, I live alone so it’s a little tricky lol.

Thank you again for all your support and I’m so glad Melanie (for Layla – [another Cane Corso rescue] ) decided to forgo surgery and order braces!!”

No Casting. – Rosemary & Bob, Parents Of Gracie, 6 YO Aus. Shepherd Mix – OR

Last summer Gracie sustained a partial tear of the cruciate ligament in her left knee. She managed for a while with our constant support, and we were able to increase her walks. However, last winter she slipped in the snow and re-injured the delicate tissues in her knee. After our initial panic, I decided to research alternatives to surgery. That’s when I found Posh Dog.

Gracie’s doing great now. She’s been using the brace for a few months – just for walks. The vet is impressed with her progress and the fact that she now has rebuilt her muscle mass in her leg – a sign of no pain. Gracie’s stronger and has no need for the brace around the house, but we make sure she wears it for long walks and for running around/play time. Her activities have resumed – including running up and down the stairs, and asking to play all the time.

Everyone I tell is impressed that no surgery was required for Gracie’s recovery. I’ve also met a few people who have gone through that surgery for their dogs. They wish they’d known about the alternatives.

The biggest thing I noticed was that her gait became even. Before the brace, Gracie compensated her weight to the opposite side of her body, throwing off the alignment in her spine. Favoring her leg also made her unstable, making it easy for her to slip on our wood floors. With her strength re-established, she has no difficulty on wood floors, no difficulty with stairs, and no difficulty stabilizing herself in the car.

Thanks again for being there and for your fast service. We only had to wait a day or 2 to receive the brace. It was a perfect fit, and Gracie adapted to the feel of it right away. Her confidence was boosted immediately since she could walk immediately in comfort. We’re very pleased . . . and so is Gracie!

Note From Posh Dog Knee Brace: Want to learn more about effective holistic and natural healing? Read “Heal Together” – Natural Health Solutions For Animals And Their Humans. You can get Rosemary Levesques’ SUPERB book about Natural Healing at www.SecondNatureHealing.com. This book is easy to read, filled with promising, timely and very relevant content, that you will likely not hear from most allopathic traditional vets, and a fabulous resource for keeping your beloved Dog healthy! It is a must read!

From the UK. – Rob C. Dad of Lula, 12 Year Old Pointer – County Hampshire UK

Note From Posh Dog Knee Brace: Lula had cruciate surgery on her right hind leg in November 2015. As with most post surgical Dogs, her other CCL in her other ruptured (caused by the post operative chronic displacement of load to the uninjured leg at an incorrect angle). Her Dad did not wish to put her through cruciate surgery again. We are very happy that Rob contacted us. Six months after wearing her brace, Lula is running around like the happy Dog she is!

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with Lula’s progress since we purchased the Posh knee brace. 

Back in October last year she was confirmed with a cruciate ligament issue which our vet was all too eager to operate on. Lula is now 12 years old and had had cruciate surgery just a year before on her right hind leg. There was no way we wanted her to have such a traumatic operation again. 

So, we purchased one of your braces in the expectation that she would be wearing it for the remainder of her life. But now, just 6 months later she has gone form not being able to put any weight on her left hind leg to full mobility.

She has been a walking advertisement for your brace these past months and I have more than happy to sing your company’s praises.

Just in case you are interested here is a short video of Lula enjoying a walk earlier today.

Thanks again for great service and a fabulous result.

Rob C.

No Casting Required. – Amanda RN, Mom of Bear, 3 YO Akita – NY

Bear is LOVING his Posh dog knee brace! He walks around with such confidence as to before he walked with his head down and a really bad limp. He is almost four weeks after partially tearing his left hind leg and thanks to you guys he is on the right path to healing, along with most of the supplements recommended!

The custom design that was made is superior compared to other companies that i resesrched. It is anatomically correct and fits him like a glove, it acts as a true support. It is really amazing to see the difference in his gait as soon as we went for our first walk. He knows his brace helps him walk and he waits patiently with a smile on his face waiting for it to go on!

I am so pleased with the amazing service and love that Bear and I received from you guys. You truly pour your heart and soul into your work and it really shows. Bear is my baby and after speaking with Jim, I felt as if he really understood and loved my Bear as much as I do! Thank you for all that you do, hopefully we can educate as many people as possible about your wonderful work that you do in helping dogs heal, without the trauma and invasive surgery that so many dogs go through. Thank you so much!

No Casting Required. – Angela, Mom of Mosley, 6 YO Golden/Pyrenees Mix – FL

(Mosley is wearing a harness which is unrelated to, and not connected to, our brace.)

I called Posh Dog Knee Brace for help with our Large and amazing dog Mosley. He is a highly socable and very sweet Golden Pyrenese mix.

Recently he hurt his knee, and it is truly heartbreaking, a dog with such life diminished to sadness because he couldn’t run and jump without pain. I have been through torn ligaments in knees before, our first dog, years ago had done this and after thousands of dollars in therapy and surgery and many weeks of quiet isolation in a cage it never really healed properly. Then we had a Bernese that had torn her knee playing and instead of surgery we opted for therapy, acupuncture, massage, swimming, strengthening exercises and supplements. 

She healed 100% with no surgery. So as time went by we learned that with proper care and, dogs can heal VERY well without this expensive surgery, and in many cases are better! The chance of them injuring the other leg during the process of surgery and healing is VERY high in dogs (especially large breed dogs).

When Mosley injured his rear leg I jumped right on the internet and dove into finding the latest info on current surgeries and outcomes, and current therapies and outcomes. This is when I found POSH!!

I learned about Posh Knee Braces and spoke with them for a long time on the phone. I learned that this is the real thing, and since having the brace I see the leg strengthening and Mosley happy again to be able to go on pain free walks.

Mosley is a difficult patient! He didn’t like the brace at first but now knows it is helping him!! I put it on and he limps around with this sad pathetic face and then he realizes were going out to play and walk, he perks right up!!! He suddenly can walk with this brace on much better than he could without it, I can tell it is helping to strengthen his leg and make it better. 

With the brace we have added muscle stem therapy to boost the healing process and help with atrophy and offer him supplements daily. He gets Hemp oil (Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and Rhus toxicodendron (homeopathic med) to help with discomfort and pain as well as a trameel and arnica mixture a couple times a day. He also receives turmeric and zyphlamend to assist with inflammation in the body and joints as well as collagen to help rebuild ligament and tendon tissue. 

We are happy to say that just in the short time so far that we have had our POSH knee brace we already see a significant improvement. The time that the customer service team spent with me teaching me about the brace was significant to me being able to feel secure in my decision about getting this brace.

The quality of the brace is amazing, it is NOT rigid and it is padded well for comfort. We are VERY happy with POSH dog knee brace and look forward to a continued relationship with team POSH as our handsome boy gets better.

Thank you, Angela and Mosley 

No Casting Required. – Peter, Dad of Tucker, 2.5 YO Beautiful Mix – CT

(Tucker is wearing a harness which is unrelated to, and not connected to, our brace.)

(UPDATE January 2016)


My veterinarian had seen the Posh Knee Brace and thought it was great. He told me about some other braces he had used and thought your brace was well made, well designed, effective and better than other ones he had used.

He took several photos to show his other clients and I gave him your contact information. It’s possible you may hear from him in the future. His contact info is: Dr. Peter G, DVM, CT . (anonymous)

Get the word out to other vets. Have you attended the AVMA conventions? If not, you should.”

Original Review: November 2015:

“Our Posh brace fits and works great. It has definitely made a difference in the quality of life for my dog Tucker.

Tucker is able to run, stand and be active. He even uses the injured right back leg as his plant leg when he lifts it urinate. He wasn’t doing this before.

It only take about 30 seconds to mount the brace and he had become accustomed to it after a few times. It definitely makes me feel better too. 

I know how he feels and what he is going through as I had torn my ACL several years ago and had reconstructive surgery. Unfortunately, dogs have a difficult anatomy compared to humans, so surgical procedures do not have great outcomes.
Thanks for a great product. You need to get the word out to veterinarians.


No Casting Required. Jordan, Mom of Sofia, 1 YO Pitbull – Chicago

You guys are amazing!! I have seen such a drastic change in Sofia since she started wearing her brace that it makes my day! Prior to her PoshDog brace I had purchased braces from another company, and though things started out OK the more time she spent in the brace the less she liked it, the more difficult it became to get the brace to stay on her leg properly, and even with a lot of back and forth with the company we made no progress on a resolution.

With her existing brace bothering her so much I started to see my energetic, full-force, what’s next? girl slow down, limp, and just look sad. It broke my heart to see her unable to play with her “little” brother or keep up with the old man of the house. With surgery absolutely out of the question, I turned back to PoshDog who I had looked at originally looked at and then stupidly not chosen in the first place.

Everyone at PoshDog has been so helpful to me even taking the time to look at my previous brace and make suggestions on what we might be able to do to get it into a usable state. The focus was always on Sofia and what we could do to help her get back to her old self, not be in pain, and not further damage her legs. And since we received her PoshDog brace the change in her has been drastic, she’s not limping, has her drive to play back, and she’s holding her own and most of the time out running and out playing our two other dogs!

It’s so fantastic to see my girl back in action! And I’m no longer having to stop her play to readjust, tighten, or put her brace back on because it had fallen off, which she and I both appreciate.

Overall I couldn’t be more pleased with her progress, the brace, and the support I’ve received from everyone at PoshDog. Everything was centered on what we could do to help Sofia, from working to try and find a solution with her previous brace, getting her set-up on her PoshDog brace, as well as supplement recommendations, and ideas for helping her in her recovery.  Best of all Sofia is feeling good and back to her old self, she will even hold still (a behavior that is foreign to her) while I put her brace on! I couldn’t be happier so see her eager for playtime and walks and wearing me out long before she’s ready to call it quits!

Read reviews check out our Google Reviews online. Click Here

Success Stories Part 3

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

No Casting Required. – Joe And Lori – Parents of Bear, 6 YO Labrador – PA

Review of Posh Dog Knee Brace:

After our 6 year old Labrador Retriever got the devastating diagnosis of a complete cranial cruciate ligament (acl in humans) tear and both our vet and an orthopedic specialist said that surgery was our only option, I went searching online for alternative options. We had already done expensive sedated x-rays to get the diagnosis. The recommended invasive TPLO (tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy) surgery, which is supposed to stabilize the stifle joint after ruptures, seemed to me not to be a great option. It’s a highly invasive surgery where the vet cuts bone and screws in a metal plate to stabilize the knee.

The pain of the surgery & the recovery time of 12 weeks without running, climbing on stairs or even on the couch did not make this a practical option for us. We were also told with surgery on the one knee, there is a great possibility that the other knee could also rupture because of the added weight of not wanting to use his bad knee. I was quoted up to $5,000 for the TPLO surgery. They did say there is another less expensive option, a lateral suture or fishing line procedure, but that it may not be successful since he is such a big dog at 115 lbs. 

After all of my research, I came across Posh Dog Knee Brace and I am so happy that I did. For a fraction of the cost of surgery, without the pain and long recovery time, we are stabilizing his knee from the outside, and I am so happy with this choice. The process from start to finish was positive. After sending all of the proper measurements and pictures, the time it took to receive the brace in the mail was surprisingly quick. 

They did a Skype call to insure that the brace was fitting properly. It did need a minor adjustment, which was also done in a timely manner. We were encouraged to email or call with any questions or concerns. I am positive that we made the right decision for our dog and look forward to his recovery.

We have been using the brace for a few months now and I already see a huge improvement in his walking. Initially before the brace he was not putting weight on that knee, and also ‘bunny-hopping”. Now with the daily walks with the brace on, he no longer limps without the brace and is getting stronger. The Posh Dog Knee Brace is so well designed and is also easy to put on and take off. I can’t say enough positive things about this product and highly recommend it! 

L.M from PA 

Success Stories

No Casting Required. Amy, Mom of Shelby, 7 YO German Shepherd Mix – LA, CA

Just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much the Posh Dog Knee Brace has changed our lives! It was looking pretty bleak when Shelby was diagnosed with a possible cruciate ligament tear. I live up two flights of stairs and Shelby is 94 lbs of excitable love so it was impossible to not cause more damage every time we had to go out. I was keeping her inside, away from other dogs and people with minimal trips outside only to use the grass and then back upstairs.

To say she was depressed would be an understatement. Since we have had the Posh Dog Knee Brace everything has turned around! We were able to resume our walks and seeing friends. Shelby’s mood has drastically improved which has only helped in her healing.

I still see a long road ahead of us, but the peace of mind I have when she is wearing her knee brace is undeniable. Your communications and customer service is outstanding and has made me feel comfortable will all aspects of the brace. Thank you for the ease in process, superb product, the best knee brace for dogs, and also the drastic change you have made in our lives!

Amy & Shelby

No Casting Required: Tiffany, Mom Of Jazzy, 2 Year Old Catahoula – Utah Jazzy Had A Failed TTA Surgery (4/15) And Is Recovering With A Posh Dog Knee Brace

I just wanted to send a quick note about Jazzy! It’s been 3 weeks with the brace and we are noticing more muscle gain and less limping. She loves wearing it and will wait patiently while we get it adjusted just right because she knows she can play and explore.

Jazzy has started acting like Jazzy again! She has been able to play/wrestle with her sister Molly and become a curious and adventurous dog again. It’s been over 8 months since she has wanted an intense game of tug-o-war. We took her on her first hike since her injury to enjoy the fall leaves.

She couldn’t stop smiling! We all can’t thank you guys enough for such a great product:) it has truly changed our lives:)

Jazzy, Molly, Tif and Billy

Jonathan, Dad Of Shyla, 11 Year Old Pitbull – Florida

Just wanted to let you know that Shyla is doing wonderful and I just wanted to say thank you and you all are doing a great service to our injured pets , shyla is running more than she has in months and when we remove the brace she tends to walk on all 3 legs so she has shown us that she loves her brace and is happy to wear it again thank you 🙂

Sally, Mom Of Mandy, 10 Year Old Weimaraner – Tennessee

Hi, I have been meaning to write and tell you how great Mandy is doing. Really I was not as diligent as you recommended with daily exercise because of my own injury and recovery, but she still made a full recovery. She occasionally won’t put her full weight on it but I have recently stopped trying to prevent her from jumping. I do lift her into the car but she is doing great. I will be happy to upload some before and after videos to your site and do a review if you like! 

Thanks for your help with this. I just gave your contact info to a guy from new jersey that owns a pet store and sees people with dogs getting ready to have the surgery all the time.


Carol & Billy, Parents Of Xander, 5 Year Old Golden Retriever – Florida

I just wante d to give you an update on Xander. He is doing very well! I wanted to thank you both for all of you help and support throughout this entire process. It is truly evident how much you care for the dogs you help. 

Xander’s mobility has greatly improved. He can even go up and down the few steps of our back deck now. Several of our friends and neighbors have commented on how well he seems to be doing. 

He loves the frozen green beans and we still give him the Nupro silver daily. He has lost at least 5 lbs and I plan to weigh him again when he has his nails trimmed.

I hope all is well with the both of you!

Carol & Billy S. 

David, Father Of Cheever, 10 Year Old Greyhound – California

Hi, Posh Dog Folks,

I received Cheever’s brace about two weeks ago. It’s been awesome. It fit perfectly (You guys did a great job from that crappy cast.) Cheever’s leg is still a bit shaky after walking a bit. We took a nearly two-mile walk with his brace on this weekend. I also take him on a short (around my building) walk in the morning with it off to help stop his muscle atrophy. He’s rebuilding muscle and his leg shakiness gets better every day.

Thank you very much for your leg brace. It was a good value, works well, and is made exceptionally. 

Regards, David

Marie And Jason, Parents Of Annabelle, 6 Year Old Golden Retriever – Illinois

“Jim and Beth, Jason and I (and Annabelle) cannot thank you enough for your guidance and reassurance with Annabelle’s injury. You confirmed our thoughts, heard our fears, and with compassion, patience, and humor you showed us how to rest our minds and go with what we knew was right all along for Annabelle. You truly care about each and every dog you make a brace for and it shows!

It really is because of you that we made the right decision for Annabelle – thank you doesn’t seem like enough. Vets, for the most part, are pretty good, but I have learned from this experience and the research you have shared with me that the body can heal itself without barbaric surgery. Thank you a million times for everything”

Your brace is the best out there from craftsmanship, to ease of putting it on, to comfort while Belle is wearing it. Posh Knee Brace made a difference for Annabelle and I hope other people out there will give your brace a chance before rushing to surgery.

“I wanted to email you today just to extend the BIGGEST most SINCERE thank you anyone could give. We took Annabelle to a holistic vet for the first time today for a chiropractic adjustment. The vet and I have been in contact over the phone the past couple of weeks to find a good time to bring her in and to explain the situation so far.

At first, without looking at Annabelle, the vet was skeptical about what kind of treatment Annabelle would need and really benefit from. So, today after her chiropractic adjustment we could see within minutes that she was standing firmly on both legs. 

With conservative management, some supplements, swim therapy (which she thinks is just play time!), special exercises, and, of course, the Posh Knee brace, Annabelle has made a recovery! According to this vet, Annabelle does not need surgery and was happy (and so were we) with Annabelle’s current condition.

She was so surprised to see that muscles in both of her legs are strong and do not show signs of atrophy. I attest this to her wearing the brace while going for walks along with her swimming. At this point, we are managing her arthritis with natural supplements and she will receive stem cell therapy in the next month to restore further health and stability to her knee joints as well as to treat the arthritis. 

Had I listened to the other two vets about “how much she needs surgery” Annabelle would have been in a world of pain, discomfort, sadness, and potential candidate for infection and complications while the vets were comfortably making their car/mortgage payments with the money I spent on a surgery our princess didn’t need.

I feel sick to my stomach when I think of the countless dogs out there who are put under the knife unnecessarily by the discretion of their vets and unknowing scared pet parents. The complications and disappointment the dogs and pet parents will endure after what is supposed to be this “helpful” surgery is so sad. Surgery is NOT a quick fix and I learned this from you! 

What a wonderful blessing and gift it was to meet you and Beth. You have changed our lives and helped to protect Annabelle from surgery. For that, we will be forever thankful! I hope all is well and I also hope we can stay in touch! 

Smiles and Hugs, Marie, Jason, and Annabelle”

August 9, 2016: Rest In Peace Beautiful Annabelle. Though We Never Had The Joy Of Meeting You, We Made New Long Distance Friends With Your Wonderful Parents, Marie And Jason, And We Truly Loved You, Just Like You Were Our Own Golden Princess.

Read reviews check out our Google Reviews online. Click Here

Success Stories Part 2

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Erin – Mom Of Ellie Bae, 6 Year Old Staffordshire Terrier – Texas

“My vet was also really impressed with the quality of Beas ccl knee brace, and I’m hoping that she will recommend this less invasive alternative for ccl surgery to more people now that she has seen our success. She wrote down all the info about your company and was very happy to hear that I had such a good experience.

Thank you so much for all of your help – every step of the process felt very personal and I felt confident that we were making the right choice from day one!” 

“SUCCESS! Just wanted to send an update on Bea (Ellie B): great news – we got an excellent report from our vet today! Keep in mind that the initial diagnosis was a full CCL and meniscus tear. Well, after roughly six weeks with the posh dog knee brace, limited activity (no running or long walks) and three acupuncture sessions with the Ozone injections, B had less scar tissue and almost full range of motion in the knee! She is able to walk without the brace throughout the day with no signs of injury!

We will continue to use the brace for support for another few weeks, but our vet was very pleased with the healing progress. She commented that B showed no signs of pain during the injection today, which is a major improvement since the last time (she cried so loudly, poor baby).

My vet was also really impressed with the quality of Beas ccl knee brace, and I’m hoping that she will recommend this less invasive alternative for ccl surgery to more people now that she has seen our success. She wrote down all the info about your company and was very happy to hear that I had such a good experience.

Thank you so much for all of your help – every step of the process felt very personal and I felt confident that we were making the right choice from day one!

Here’s a photo of B on the first day in her brace and today after a fun romp in the creek near our house. She looks pretty happy, doesn’t she?”


Valerie – Mom of Buddy, 5 Year Old Lab/Pit Mix – Southern California

“I took Buddy and his brace for an office visit to the vet, the vet confirmed the brace was a good fit and commented it was “a well-made dog knee brace.” I feel I have the best canine acl knee brace out there, and I like the people behind the company.”

“After researching all the various canine knee braces on the internet. I decide to put my faith in Posh Dog Knee Brace. The companies’ owners can feel your pain because they have gone through it with their own dog. They are very caring and will walk you through the whole process, from casting to guiding you through the regiment of your dog. The kit was sent within days of ordering and once you send the cast back to them they make it.

Their mission is to get their very high quality brace to your dog as soon as possible, so you can get your dog out the door and going on walks. Once you get the brace they stay with you to make sure your dog has the best and most comfortable fit. If they feel the brace needs to come back to them for modification, you send it back via USPS in the same box they sent to you for the casting kit and, in my experience, receive it modified back to you within a week.

I had worked my way up to walking and jogging with my dog, Buddy, 45 minutes twice a day. A word of warning though, you must keep your dog from jumping or straining his leg while the scar tissue is healing. 

I took Buddy and his brace for an office visit to the vet, the vet confirmed the brace was a good fit and commented it was “a well-made dog knee brace”. I could tell from his reaction he was impressed with the brace. I feel I have the best canine acl knee brace out there, and I like the people behind the company.

This is my testimony and the absolute truth of my experience this far, I’m an animal lover and would never want to misguide anyone who is going through such a trying and painful time with you and your best friend.”

Kristyn, Professional AKC Show Dog Handler, Mom Of Finn, 8 YO Bull Mastiff – Reno

“I’m thrilled to say, that today my big boy Finn is doing fabulous with his posh dog knee brace!! His movement would never have indicated he had an issue with one of his legs. I handle and show dogs in AKC conformation, so movement is a big issue. I thought this boys show career was over after this incident, but his movement is great.

Most importantly, the stability I see in his leg daily is so only reassuring… that I made the right choice for him.” “My Bullmastiff, Finn tore his ACL November 2103 when he jumped up onto a rock retaining wall, hitting both his back legs. He never put his right, rear leg down…off to the vet we go.

X-Rays and the drawer test confirmed he completely tore his right ACL. The vet said he would require a $4,000-$6,000 TPLO surgery. He also mentioned and that if one leg went out, the other leg would probably go out, due to over compensation. My immediate concerns were all the risks that go along with putting a dog under anesthetic, especially a big dog. I had major concerns about the possibility of infection from the surgery, the success/failure of the surgery, the pain he would be in post-op, and the (terrible) medications they would prescribe??

The cost… It’s such a long road to recovery, and not certain one. The thought of the weight he’d have to put on that leg after surgery, along with the concern of the good leg trying to compensate, the meds he would have to be on for such a long period of time, and other post operative issues was such a fear!

I wanted to seek alternative methods. I started researching dog acl braces for dogs. There’s a few different companies out there, but I wasn’t impressed with design of the brace. Many were uncomfortable for the dogs in reading reviews, there wasn’t success with the brace, and the lack of compassion and customer service I experienced from one larger company when inquiring about their product, made me choose Posh Dog Knee Brace.

After researching many brace companies, I spoke with Jim Morrison, of Posh Dog Knee brace and felt some relief. I decided on Posh Dog Knee Brace, as I believe they are on the cutting edge of technology. This brace is a custom orthotic from your dogs leg, providing incredible stability to the stifel joint from the outside, just as TPLO surgery does from the inside. The beauty is what the posh brace can provide, less all the complications, and risks – not to mention Finns posh brace is well under $1,000, about $4,000 less than the TPLO surgery.

Posh Dog was fabulous from my first email inquiring about their product. In fact, every phone call it email to them was returned right away, or within 24 hours. The website was very informative, and they seemed to be on the cutting edge of technology. I ordered the ccl knee brace, and it arrived a couple weeks later. This brace is very comfortable for the dog to wear, and provides so much support and stability, along with being flexible for the dog to walk, or swim!!

Finn was able to immediately go on short walks. I heard no more “grating” noises, clicking/popping when he walked with the brace on!! This was proof to me that this brace was indeed supportive to the joint, as my boy weighs 176 pounds. It’s very easy to put on, and take off, takes less than a minute!!

The past few months have proven the brace to be effective, as his gait is very smooth now. Where before he was noticeably lame, and in pain. I’m thrilled to see this boy back in action!! I’m so thankful I didn’t put him through that surgery, as his results speak for themselves.

I’m thrilled to say, that today my boy is doing fabulous!! His movement would never indicated he had an issue with one of his legs. I handle and show dogs in AKC conformation, so movement is a big issue. I thought this boys show career was over after this incident, but his movement is great.

Most importantly, the stability I see in his leg daily is so only re assuring… that I made the right choice for him. It makes me feel like I did the best thing I could for my big boy, and highly recommend this brace. Finn is a show dog, an AKC Grand Champion, and will be back in the show ring I’m happy to say.

These people care about your dog, like it’s their dog…thanks so much Posh Dog Knee Brace!

Kristyn A. & Finn”

Finn 2016, (173#) Fully Recovered From A Complete CCL Rupture With A Posh Dog Knee Brace, And NO Surgery. He Has Not Worn His Posh Brace For Over 18 Months!

Phyllis – Mom Of Buca, 4 Year Old White Yellow Lab – New Jersey

“Importantly, our reactions to Jim and Beth – you cannot find – even if you go to a service provider facility and meet the owners in-person around the corner from your own home – a more knowledgeable and truly professional duet who genuinely care for the well being of your pet and her/his full recovery. 

We are confident you will be amply satisfied and appreciate the caring, insightful and intellect they add to your pet’s healthcare team. Buca is now back to taking her lengthy walks – which she loves as she scavenges for any remnants of fallen garbage, food goodies, etc. – she even licks her canine knee brace once we remove it after the walk almost as if she recognizes the knee pressure strength with the brace”

“Approximately nine months ago, our 4 ½ year old light-yellow white lab Buca, incurred an injury. We were not sure how but noticed her holding her right rear leg up and pressing ever-so-lightly on the leg so as to apply minimal pressure. We immediately went to a vet because as we all know as pet lovers we want our little loves to be happy and healthy. The vet took the normal tests and manipulated the knee determining it was either a pull or slight tear of the stifle knee ligament. 

Anti-inflammatories were given and we were told to minimize walks to a few houses up or down the street for weeks. We did that to the chagrin of our dog and after a several weeks no improvement. So then they changed the anti-inflammatory and increased the timing of restricted walking and/or playing etc. After months transpired, we returned to the vet and the vet said she would recommend some surgeons/specialists and we saw that the direction was surgery. 

We researched the entire situation realizing the trauma to our dog, cost and recovery and high incidence of either failure or the other leg then being affected. We then did further research and found poshdogkneebrace.com.

We are immensely impressed with Poshdogkneebrace and both Jim and Beth have spent countless emails, photos, videos, fittings, phone calls and concern in getting the dog brace fitted to our dog’s specific bodily structure. She is a cutie but she does have a little jelly belly and is a bit pigeon-toed so fitting her was a challenge because a proper dog brace cannot be a “one size fits all” orthotic.

We received the finalized dog brace approximately four and half months ago and within two weeks, we could see some improvement in strength in our dog’s rear leg/knee. Prior to the dog brace there was only restricted movement and anti-inflammatories and no noticeable improvement. 

I have spoken to so many people and some recommend only going the route of fix-it by surgery but emphasized the trauma and cost. Others felt there was improvement after surgery but it took a year to recover and not always to full recovery but they felt it was the best quality of life they could give their dog.

Our puppy (4 ½ year old puppy, funny ha?) now walks normally with the brace on and with the brace off, we monitor that her hind hips and legs are properly aligned and in sync and walking with obvious strength. This we hope will assist her in full recovery and no need for the other knee to be disturbed and afflicted because of unequal pressure as she walks and runs.

Importantly, our reactions to Jim and Beth – you cannot find – even if you go to a service provider facility and meet the owners in-person around the corner from your own home – a more knowledgeable and truly professional duet who genuinely care for the well being of your pet and her/his full recovery. We are confident you will be amply satisfied and appreciate the caring, insightful and intellect they add to your pet’s healthcare team. 

Buca is now back to taking her lengthy walks – which she loves as she scavenges for any remnants of fallen garbage, food goodies, etc. – she even licks the brace once we remove it after the walk almost as if she recognizes the knee pressure strength with the brace.

Without reservation we highly recommend Postdogkneebrace.com and hope that you don’t make the mistake of hastily jumping to surgery without trying the least invasive and possibly most beneficial option with them first. 

On another note, you should see how many cars and people empathetically stop and caress our dog when they see a brace on her. They don’t realize how strong it allows her knee to be while healing but I’ll take the cross the street courtesies any day ha ha!

Almost anywhere I go, someone will ask me about the brace and it is startling to realize that so few people know that there is the option of an orthotic brace available and in most cases can assuredly circumvent the possibility for the need for surgery and all of its potential side effects and dangers.

Thanks Jim and Beth

Buca Belle’s owner, NJ”

No Casting Required. – Donnetta Vanderhoeven – Parents of Bama

I just wanted to contact you today to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

Four years ago, my dog Bama tore his CCL. At the time, I was told by the emergency clinic that I had no other choice, but for him to have surgery. Being uneducated on the subject at the time, I thought that I was being a responsible dog owner and agreed to the surgery. Worst decision that I ever made. The recovery was extremely rough on Bama and myself. During those weeks of recovery watching him go through so much pain and being absolutely miserable,

I made a promise to him to never put him through anything like that again. Not to mention the thousands of dollars that the procedure cost which also added to the stress of the situation. Today, the surgery repaired leg is full of arthritis and Bama will be forced to take prescription meds 3 times a day for the rest of his life to help control the pain and inflammation.

I was warned by the orthopedic surgeon that most dogs will eventually end up tearing the other CCL as well, and although I feel like I took extra precautions for this not to happen, one day two years later….SQUIRREL and we now had our second torn CCL with the dreaded meniscus click. As soon as it happened, I just sat down and cried, knowing what was ahead for Bama and me.

This time I was determined to find a better way to help him. I spent every waking moment on the internet tying to find an alternative to surgery. I was not going to break my earlier promise to him. After a lot of research, I came across the site Tiggerpoz.com. It was like a light bulb going off, everything on this site just made sense to me. There was another solution other than surgery. Conservative Management. It wouldn’t be easy, it would take a lot of patience and perseverance, but I love my dog beyond words, so I knew that I would do whatever it took to help him.

I immediately started with this process, as well as a high quality food, daily bone broth and supplements. I also began reading about custom braces to help with the healing process. I spoke with my vet who was skeptical, but open and supportive to the idea. My initial thought was a brace made from a casting would be a better fit for my dog.

Wrong! I purchased a casting kit from a company and after traumatizing my dog and my poor vet with the casting procedure, trust me, it’s not as easy as they make it look. I was told that the angle of my dog’s leg was wrong even though we followed the instructions and a brace couldn’t be made and his leg would need to be casted again.

After several calls from my vet and myself to this company, we were treated like idiots by their representatives. They were down right rude and very demeaning to the both of us. At this point I was extremely frustrated because not only was this a complete waste of money, I had delayed Bama’s healing.

Then I found Posh Dog Knee Brace. From my initial consultation, I really felt like you cared about helping my dog. You answered all of my questions and assisted through out the process of ordering a brace. The measuring was a breeze! After our brace arrived, you were there every step of the way to help me through Bama’s recovery. I can’t thank you enough!

The brace is not a miracle cure for dog parents, it takes time for the injury to heal and you have to be determined to follow the correct steps, but I can attest IT DOES WORK!

Bama loves his brace! From the very first day that I put it on him, I think it was a comfort for him. I made it like a reward…let’s get your brace on! He knew that meant he got to go outside. After about a week of doing this, it was so cute, he would actually come over next to me and stick his leg out so that I could put his brace on, which after a few days of taking it on and off, this became a very easy process for the both of us.

Fast forward about 12 weeks later and off to the vet we went to have new x-rays taken. My vet couldn’t believe how great he was doing and was absolutely amazed after looking at the x-rays. They looked great. A year later, I had x-rays done again on both knees. The surgery repaired leg is full of arthritis and scar tissue, Bama walks with a slight limp and favors that leg. The braced leg shows hardly any signs of arthritis at all. We’re still careful, no full speed running or over doing it at the park, but he’s a happy dog.

Just this past weekend, Bama had another run in with our nemesis, the back yard squirrel and did something to his knee. Dogs will be dogs, he started limping and it was such a comfort to be able to pull his brace out from the closet and put it on him to help him heal. Now it’s Wednesday and he’s much better. I would love to say that he’s learned his lesson with the squirrels, but I’m sure that he hasn’t, so it’s nice knowing that his brace is still here if he needs it.

Two years later, it still looks brand new, the quality is beyond amazing and Bama is a 100 lb big dog who has put a beating on it. The only slight negative that I could even say is that the buckles do have a tendency to rust, but that’s probably an unfair assessment since we live in Florida and Bama is a daily swimmer in our salt water pool. When this happened the last time, I contacted your company and new buckles were sent to me. I don’t know what I’m more impressed with…your above and beyond attitude towards customer service or the quality of your product.

I apologize that it’s taken me two years to write this testimonial, but I can honestly say now with all of my experience, that your brace is literally life changing! Any skepticism that I might have had in the beginning is completely gone. I’ve seen it work with my own eyes! I’ve made my vet a believer and I try to educate other dog parents about your brace every chance that I get. I hope that I can just save one dog and parent from going through the horrific surgery experience that we went through.

So thank you so much Posh Dog Knee Brace for helping me keep my promise to Bama, for making this product and for caring!

It’s a great feeling of satisfaction to be able to look at Bama and say we did it! Together we proved those surgeons wrong!

Sending a big sloppy wet kiss from Bama!

Warmest Regards,

Donnetta Vanderhoeven

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Success Stories Part 1

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Gunner, Lab, Lisa Paul, Canada – Success Story

Thank you so much for your support. The brace has changed his dog life. 7 months post injury and he is running again!! I thought I would share a video with you.

3 year old Victorian Bulldog – Princess Nala – Success Story

Hi y’all! My lil Princess Nala, a 3 year old Victorian Bulldog, was diagnosed with a CCL tear. I chose to go the conservative method and found Posh Brace in my research. Today we completed our fitting with our Posh Vet Tech and this is our first walk in the brace. I had received physical therapy and supplement guides in the email following our Face Time call for the fitting and I am excited to begin our journey with the Posh Knee Brace and support team.

success stories

Archer has lived at our Sanctuary for most of his life – Success Story

We are a non-profit, 501 c3 and have done dog rescue for over 20 years, for any dogs that couldn’t find a home we would keep them at our home sanctuary like our own with the very best care and love.

Archer is a 6 year old 120 pound German Shepherd Mountain Cur mix that ended up with us at only 10 months old untrained juvenile delinquent not adoptable to most people that don’t have years of experience and training with such dogs so he stayed here with us just like all the ones in the past and the remaining ones we have now that for some reason didn’t find the right home.

Archer is a work in progress and finally at his older age a fairly easy dog at 6 years old he’s now a senior since large dogs don’t live as long, usually at the 10 year mark. He’s a happy talk active dog that now can run some again with his brace on and run after the ball makes me happy to see him happy and able to do the things he did before he injured himself and without surgery.

That’s a very long recovery we have done it several times before with some of our dogs the brace works much better without having to cut in and then recover and after that do rehabilitation. I myself would highly recommend the Posh Brace Knee Brace you can check out Archers first Video on our site www.sadt.info with a YouTube link and new videos of him walking will be posted within the next 2 weeks and then monthly following.

Leo Brace from Posh Dog Knee Brace – UK – Success Story

Leo is healing so well, slow and steady wins the race, he las a long recovery ahead but he has gone from being totally lame 10 weeks ago to loving his life again. Posh Dog Knee Brace has given him back his independence and given me so much hope. Thank You

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