Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


CCL Surgery Facts And A Brace For Dogs Accomplish The Same Goal, So Why Go Through Surgery?

Surgery- Alert

Sept 15, 2018: The AVMA Admits That TPLO Surgery Causes Bone Cancer,
Which Is Very Often Fatal

Link To AVMA Alert 

CCL Sugery with a Dog

Facts about Surgery

“There Is No Real Proof That Any Of These Surgeries Are Truly More Effective Than Non-Surgical Management.” ​ 

From Vets At 

sad TPLO surgery dog brace
sad TPLO surgery dog brace

Regardless Of Whether You Get A Posh Dog Knee Brace, You Need To Read This Entire Page Before You Get Surgery On Your Beloved Dog For A CCL Injury. Then You Will Learn Why We Never Had CCL Surgery ​On Our 11 Year Old Beloved Golden Angel Pasha, In 2013.

The data on this page was presented by vets, veterinary organizations, and veterinary trade publications. We did not create this data or write these articles, only honest, knowledgeable vets and veterinary surgeons did.

Posh Dog Knee Brace Mission Statement

Our singular loyalty and sole commitment is to helping YOUR injured Dog recover from a Dog ACL injury without surgery. A torn ACL in Dogs, is a serious problem for over a million Dogs a year.

We not only offer the best Dog knee brace for your injured Dog, but also the most current and relevant information about the various surgeries, like TPLO, TTA, etc, so that you’ll find the best solution for your Dog with a torn CCL (ACL).

There Are Many Cases Where A Dog Is Not Really A Suitable Candidate For Dog ACL Surgery, Including: Older Dogs, Dogs With Other Medical Issues, Lack Of Funding, And Dog Parents Who Would Rather Do More Conservative Therapy First.

With Human ACL Injuries, Surgery Is Done Only After Bracing And Conservative Management. But With A Torn ACL In Dogs, Vet Surgeons Rush A Dog Into Surgery. This Page Can Help Dog Parents Decide: Is Surgery The Best 1st Choice For Treating An CCL Injury? Or Should You Do Surgery, When All Else Has Failed? You Will Still Need A Brace To Minimize The High Chance Of Your Dog Suffering From A Surgically Induced Bilateral Injury.


A Well-Respected Veterinarian Trade Website,, Published An Illuminating Article In October 2012, About The Epidemic Of Lucrative CCL Surgeries, Written By Dr. Narda Robinson DVM. Click Below:

 “Questioning Canine Cruciate Ligament Surgery”

TPLO dog brace

A Vet At
(More Quotes Below) 
“TPLO, TTO, and TTA have become cash-cows for a number of veterinary ortho-surgeons who are making huge profits selling these questionable procedures by misrepresenting potential outcomes and risks to clients.”

The same Vet at discusses TPLO and TTA surgeries

The problems that can develop during and after one of these bone alteration surgeries can be very serious.

With TPLO or TTA you have these risks, plus the risk that unavoidably exist in all surgeries, and all without a potential outcome superior to other treatment options. There is seldom a good reason to choose to subject your dog to these risks.

The Veterinary Industry Itself Has Acknowledged:
Over 35% Of Dogs Knee Surgeries For ACL/CCL Injuries Have Serious Complications, Including:

We are contacted every day by people who were never told of dog knee braces, most of these dogs THEN had a bilateral injury, i.e. the other cranial cruciate ligament failed, as a direct result of the stress on the good leg during the painful and arduous “recovery” period of 2-3 months- (barring the high severe complication rate of 35% admitted by the veterinary industry).

ACL/CCL Tears in Dogs - Surgery Facts

Letter From A Prospective Customer Sharing Their
CCL Surgery Experience – (Names Have Been Changed)

NOTE from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Although there are many CCL surgeries performed every day, this is an example of the “35% severe complication rate” the veterinary industry concedes. Note that our Golden child Pasha NEVER had to risk going through this massive debilitating trauma of surgery – we did not do the $5,000 + TPLO surgery and she recovered completely with our own Dog brace, with NO bilateral injury.

“Bonnie is a VERY active Dog that loves to run, jump and swim. She injured herself about a year and a half ago while playing with some of our family’s dogs. Bonnie has had a previous surgery to repair her lateral collateral ligament and her cranial cruciate ligament. The surgery worked for a while, but she developed a severe infection that we did not know about until recently. She became depressed and laid around the house, which I’m sure was a mix of depression and feeling bad from her infection.

Bonnie has been in physical therapy and it did help some, but she ultimately needed to have a second surgery on her knee to reverse the previous surgery and to take a culture and biopsy of her bone to see the severity of her infection. We are currently treating the infection and having to go back to the specialist every six weeks or so for a biopsy/culture of her knee until she is free of infection.

The infection has deteriorated her bone to a point that a Custom Knee Replacement would be needed. We simply cannot afford the $12,000 quoted to us, but we want Maggie to have the freedom to run and play without serious pain. We were told we could amputate, but she uses the injured leg, she has a pretty good limp, but I cannot just bring myself to amputate a limb that she can clearly use. 

We are spending between $1,550 and $3,000 at each specialist appointment we go to. We were lucky to have enough saved for the $3,000 bill and we were also very blessed to have gotten enough in our tax return to cover the $1,550 bill. We still have to go back in 6 weeks for another culture and biopsy if her infection hasn’t completely resolved. One of her antibiotics is $275 for a months worth and she has to be on that for a while yet.


Every CCL surgical procedure has its advocates and many veterinary surgeons claim high success rates, but the results of research studies can be sobering.

In 2005, the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published a study comparing the results of lateral suture stabilization (LSS), intracapsular stabilization (ICS), and TPLO surgery on 131 Labrador Retrievers with ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments and injury to the medial meniscus. Limb function was measured before surgery and again two and six months after. Treated dogs were also compared to 17 clinically normal Labrador Retrievers.

Study Results

Compared with the clinically normal dogs, only 14.9 percent of the LSS-treated dogs, 15 percent of ICS-treated dogs, and 10.9 percent of TPLO-treated dogs had normal limb function.,/

Overall improvement was seen in only 15 percent of dogs treated with ICS, 34 percent of those treated with TPLO, and 40 percent of those treated with LSS.



CREATED BY A SEASONED VETERINARIAN Author and DVM: “In addition to in-depth study of the research literature on this subject, I have communicated with hundreds of vets experienced in treatment of these injuries, and with researchers who have studied all the various treatment options. Since this website was first created I have heard from thousands of people who have dealt with these injuries in their own dogs about their experiences with surgery and non-surgical recovery.

I have reached these conclusions:

Note from This article was written years before we ourselves experienced firsthand, 100% of the aforementioned issues from several vets when our Golden suffered a complete CCL rupture May 2013.

“I have read over your website. I think it is fantastic. I am a veterinary surgeon and have been board certified for 10 years. I have performed almost all of the procedures described for cruciate rupture. I have worked at multiple surgical practices with many surgeons. As you mentioned there is no real proof that any of these surgeries are truly more effective than non – surgical management. I feel that a large number of people are unhappy with the outcome of surgery regardless of the procedure. In addition, people forget that surgery can do harm. I have seen more than one dog that required an amputation due to surgical complications. I have yet to see a dog require amputation when surgery was not performed. Over the past 2 years I have managed more and more patients without surgery. I find that it is uncommon that people are disappointed in the outcome. Unfortunately, not all patients do great, but then again, not all patients that have surgery do great either. Needless to say my view on the treatment of cruciate disease is not popular among my peers. My thoughts on cruciate disease have caused me great grief with other veterinarians. However, I feel confident I’m doing the right thing for clients and patients.”  (Name withheld), DVM, MS DACVS


What Is Considered A Significant Underlying Cause Of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury & Other Serious Health Problems In Dogs?


Early Spay & Neuter – Click Here to Read More


THIS  Article and THIS Video By An Well Known Vet: Dr. Will Falconer DVM

THIS Article And THIS Article From

Considering the numerous unnecessary and significant risks of major surgery for a Dog with a partial or complete CCL rupture, it makes sense to treat an ACL tear with a Dog brace and conservative management first; surgery should be the last option.

If your veterinarian is not knowledgable about using a Dog knee brace to treat ACL tears in Dogs, please invite them to look through our site, read all our success stories, and then to feel free to contact us about bracing and conservative protocols for treating Dog knee injuries.

When TPLO Surgery Goes Wrong, It Really Goes Wrong

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