Here are some engaging mental stimulation games and puzzles for dogs:
Remember to always supervise your dog during playtime to ensure their safety.
I hope these ideas help you provide your dog with plenty of mental stimulation!
For more information on how to help your dog use their Posh Dog Knee Brace contact us via our contact page or visit our Facebook.
Raw honey, a natural sweetener produced by bees, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of human ailments. But did you know that it can also benefit your furry friends? With its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, raw honey can be a natural and effective remedy for common pet problems.
Before using raw honey on your pet, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. They can help determine the appropriate dosage and usage method for your specific pet’s needs.
Here are some ways to incorporate raw honey into your pet’s routine:
By incorporating raw honey into your pet’s wellness routine, you can help them live a healthier and happier life. Remember to consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your pet’s diet or healthcare regimen.
If you are interested in purchasing a Posh Dog Knee Brace or would like more information you can contact us via our contact page or visit our Facebook Page.
These ten weight-loss suggestions for senior dogs will help them live longer, better lives!
Like senior people, older dogs find it easier to move around if they don’t weigh too much. Dogs of all ages may find it difficult to lose weight, but this is more true as they mature. Dog weight loss is still worthwhile, though. Not only do slim dogs move around easier, but they also have longer lifespans. Dogs fed 25% less calories than their littermates that were fed freely lived over two years longer, had fewer outward symptoms of aging, and had an additional three years of pain-free mobility before developing canine arthritis, according to a 14-year research. Senior dogs can enjoy longer, healthier lives with the help of these weight loss methods!
Pancreatitis, diabetes, heart disease, disc disease, torn cruciate ligaments, hip dysplasia, various joint diseases, surgical complications, weakened immune systems, and several cancers are among the health issues that are more prevalent in overweight dogs. Regretfully, research indicates that over 50% of senior dogs in the United States are overweight, yet almost all of their owners are unaware of this! It’s time to face facts and put your dog on a diet if you can’t feel your dog’s shoulder blades and ribs easily, if her waist is invisible (tucked behind the ribs), or if there’s a roll of fat at the base of her tail.
The proportion of carbs to fats and protein is more important for weight loss than calories. It is hard to lose weight on most prescription weight-loss diets because they are low in fat, high in carbohydrates, and poor in protein. Senior dogs don’t require any carbohydrates at all and thrive on a diet strong in protein, which helps them gain lean muscle. A diet that is moderate in fat, low in carbohydrates, and high in protein will help dogs lose weight by satisfying their appetites.
More fiber, which is the indigestible portion of carbs, won’t make your dog feel fuller and too much of it can obstruct their ability to absorb nutrients. Grains are a frequent source of fiber, and as long as they don’t include too much fat, many grain-free diets can be helpful for weight loss because they are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates
Creating your own moderate-fat, low-carb, high-protein diet is an additional choice.
Instead of most grains and starches, use lean meats, low-fat dairy, and green vegetables if you feed a homemade diet. Take off the skin from fowl (except the breasts) and trim meats of any removable fat. Steer clear of fatty meats like lamb, hog, and high-fat beef, or cook them until the majority of the fat is gone. Eggs are OK to use, but only in small amounts. Additionally, you can substitute up to 25% of a commercial pet food with these foods, increasing the overall protein content and lowering the amount of carbs in the diet.
It’s a common misperception that feeding your senior dog a lot of green beans will make them feel less hungry, Green beans and other non-starchy vegetables are safe to include in your dog’s diet, but if you’re giving them too few calories or too little fat, the extra bulk won’t make them feel full. Adding mass alone is insufficient to satisfy your dog; fat is what makes the biggest difference. A protein shortage brought on by consuming an excessive amount of green beans can result in the loss of lean muscle rather than fat.
The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from fish oil help dieters feel more content with their diets and aid in weight loss, according to recent research on humans and dogs. For healthy senior dogs, according to Straus, fish oil containing 1 to 1.5 mg of combined EPA and DHA per pound of body weight should be given daily; for dogs with health issues (heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, arthritis, allergies, and other conditions causing inflammation or affecting the immune system), the recommended dosage is up to 3 mg. Vitamins D and A are included in some cod liver oils, such as Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil with Omega 3s, for further health advantages.
Remember that oils are pure fat and provide about 40 calories per teaspoon when adding them to your dog’s food. Many liquid fish-oil solutions have label directions that are greater than they should be, which means your dog’s diet is getting too many calories. If your dog need higher dosages of DHA and EPA, search for softgels that are more concentrated. To make sure you’re not adding too much fat, measure other oils carefully, such as coconut and olive oil.
Reduce your senior dog’s food by roughly five percent and feed that slightly reduced amount for a week or two instead of making big changes all at once. Approximately 1 ounce is reduced for every pound of food, or 1/8 cup for every two cups. Weigh your dog now, and then again in a week or two. If she doesn’t lose weight, cut her food intake by an additional 5% and stick with it for a week or two. Once your dog starts to lose weight, keep lowering the amount of food they are fed, and then stick with that level.
This tactic is beneficial since it prevents your dog’s metabolism from changing unexpectedly, which makes it more difficult for them to lose weight and more likely for them to gain it back. The likelihood of long-term success is higher for gradual, consistent weight loss.
Reduce the amount by up to one-third if you go to a food that is significantly more in fat and protein than the one you are currently eating. This is because foods that are higher in nutrients will supply you more calories in smaller quantities. Your dog might be happier even though he gets less in total than he did previously.
Giving your senior dog smaller meals more frequently will make them feel less peckish. Add some canned or fresh high-protein food in place of some dry food to give him the impression that he’s getting something exceptional. Make him work for his meals by putting them in a Kong, Buster Cube, or other food-dispensing toy. This will make him feel more content. To extend the life of a meal, freeze his wet food, which is a combination of dry food and nonfat yogurt, inside a Kong toy.
It’s critical to measure your dog’s food accurately. Some senior dogs gain weight when you try to eyeball their food, a lesson learnt the hard way. We’ve discovered that the only way we can consistently regulate the weight is to weigh everything he eat with an electronic scale. Scales are available online and at office and kitchen supply stores. The majority can accurately measure up to five pounds to the tenth of an ounce, and for really tiny measures, they can convert to grams.
Keeping a food diary or diet book for your senior dogs and measuring everything will help family members understand how much the dog is consuming. If Fido is receiving training goodies, afternoon snacks, and breakfast leftovers all day, feeding him a tiny dinner won’t make a difference. Get the participation of everyone who feeds your dog by discussing the diet plan with them. To keep your dog engaged, assign a set amount of little training treats to each member of the family. In addition, encourage everyone to focus on calorie-free activities like games, walks, fetch, and other favorite activities.
If your senior dog is small, you can use a postal scale used for packages or a baby scale to weigh her. If your big dog is agreeable, take her to your veterinarian every one to two weeks; they have a walk-on scale that fits dogs of all sizes. If your dog has bad memories of the clinic, try to rehabilitate her attitude with high-value, low-calorie treats. Short visits consisting of treats, excited jumping on the scale, and a minute of sitting or stillness before returning home are often well-received by most dogs.
Aim for weight loss of three to five percent of body weight per month, or one percent per week. About half a pound should be lost per week, or two pounds, for a 50-pound dog. After your dog starts dropping weight consistently, you can wait longer between weigh-ins, but make sure you’re still on track by checking in once a month. It’s simple to revert to overfeeding your dog and fail to detect the problem until they’ve put on a significant amount of weight.
Your dog’s calorie requirements may also alter as he gets older, after being neutered, or if his level of activity changes with the seasons. Frequent weighing will enable you to detect and address any weight gain in your dog before it becomes a more serious issue.
It is more satisfying for a senior dog to receive multiple small goodies rather than one large gift because dogs are more concerned with the quantity of treats they receive than the size of each treat. Slice treats in half or quarters lengthwise before dicing to create lots of small pieces.
High-fat and high-calorie treats, including peanut butter and hot dogs, can make you gain weight. Try raw baby carrots, slices of zucchini, other crunchy vegetables, or tiny pieces of melon, apple, or banana as an alternative. Use low-fat organ meats, such as liver or heart, to make your own confections. Because they can be poisonous to dogs, grapes, raisins, and products containing the sugar substitute xylitol should not be used.
Giving your senior dog snacks during the day made of some of his supper is another tactic. Just make sure you adjust the size of her meal appropriately.
Dogs enjoy chewing, so finding a long-lasting, low-fat chew can keep your pooch occupied, content, and out of trouble with the calories. Steer sticks, dried tendons, and other like chews are effective as long as they are not small enough for the dog to swallow.
If you use rawhide, we suggests using thick, premium rawhide that is made from a single, solid piece and is unbleached (not white), preferably made in the United States, without any additional flavorings or smoking.
While raw, fresh bones can also be chewed, we cautions that this should be done with caution because “bones, like any hard chew, have the potential to break teeth, particularly in older dogs whose teeth are more brittle.” Knuckles, for example, are too huge for dogs to jam between their molars and chomp on, so they are less likely to cause issues than marrow bones, which are heavy and hence not a suitable option.
If you would like any information about our Posh Dog Knee Brace you can contact us via our contact form or you can check out our Facebook Page.
Does your dog receive a meal before you leave for the day but hold off on eating it until you come home? That indicates he is a little (or a lot) anxious about being left alone at home.
Unexpectedly many dogs refuse to eat meals while their owners aren’t home, but they scramble to finish their meals as soon as their loved ones get home. The most frequent cause of your dog’s lack of appetite while you are away is worry, and a worried dog is a cause for concern.
“But my dog doesn’t seem stressed,” you might object. If your dog only exhibits stressful behavior when left alone and her stress level is low enough that she isn’t acting out in other ways, it’s possible that you aren’t present when she exhibits her primary stress behavior, which is refusing to eat when you aren’t around.
Dog training experts frequently advise clients to leave their dogs with a slow-feeding dog toy, such as a stuffed Kong, to keep them occupied and relieve stress while their owners are away. You can’t use this useful enrichment tool if your dog won’t eat while you’re gone. And when your dog is too anxious to eat meals, it is never a good thing!
Check to see whether he/she will eat if there is another person around first. You’ll be able to discern from this if she is experiencing low-level separation stress (she must be with you) or isolation stress (he/she is fine around any person as long as she is not alone). If he/she exhibits any additional signs of anxiety, such as pacing, panting, or vocalizing, put up a cell phone, laptop camera, or security camera to record footage of her while you’re away.
His/Her anxiety is probably not too severe if there are no other indicators of stress, and you might be able to relieve his/her with an over-the-counter supplement like L-theanine (consult with your veterinarian first!).
If he/she is more distressed, you are dealing with a problem that is more serious than mild stress or anorexia. If that’s the case, I advise you to seek the help of an experienced force-free professional. These individuals would have the initials “CSAT” (for certified separation anxiety trainer, certified by separation anxiety specialist Malena DeMartini) or “SAPro” (for a “Separation Anxiety Pro” trainer, certified by Julie Naismith) and be qualified to work with separation anxiety.
Keep in mind that if your dog is stressed, help is necessary.
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A dog meal with a larger calorie level is the best for dogs to gain weight.
Adding more meals to your dog’s daily diet is the quickest strategy to aid in weight gain. If he typically consumes two meals per day, increase that to three or four while gradually increasing the amount of food consumed and maintaining a consistent mealtime schedule. You might also try:
If feeding your dog an extra meal is difficult due to your work schedule, check for the best dog food designed for weight increase. These meals may be labeled as weight-gain dog food, but they definitely aren’t since they have more calories, which are frequently mentioned in tiny print beneath the ingredients list. It’s more likely that you’ll see them marked for active, sport, or performance dogs, which are dogs that require more calories since they expend more energy. These foods typically cost more money. Over the course of roughly a week, gradually transition to the new diet.
But be cautious. Make sure your dog is indeed lean because, like humans, most dogs have a tendency to weigh too much, and we might grow acclimated to that look. Your dog will have a waist that is directly in front of his hips, can be felt through a thin layer of fat, and will be at an appropriate weight. He appears to be snuggled up. He is too thin if the tops of his ribs or the hip/pelvic bones are visible.
Monthly dog weight checks are an excellent guide. Just pick up the dog and step on the scale in the restroom. The weight of the dog is then determined by weighing you alone and deducting that amount. Dogs that maintain a healthy weight live longer.
Some dogs actually need to put on weight, even if the majority of dog owners are waging the war of the bulge and trying to keep their canine companions trim. Boys in their teen years, some senior dogs, and dogs with cancer or other chronic illnesses are among the typical populations who need to gain weight.
So make sure your dog is healthy before starting a weight-gain program by taking him to the vet. Along with performing a physical examination, your veterinarian will likely screen your pet for intestinal parasites and heartworms. In most cases, a complete blood panel is not prohibitively expensive and can be beneficial to rule out a variety of illness issues.
If your dog is a finicky eater, you might want to supplement some of his meals with home-cooked food. Although there are ideas online for cooking homemade meals and treats that can make you gain weight, they might not be very nutrient-dense. To assist you in creating a balanced diet depending on what you wish to feed, look for businesses that employ veterinary nutritionists. Although there is a fee, it is well worth doing this properly.
Other strategies for getting your slim dog to gain weight and eat here are as follows:
Undoubtedly, a dog that is too underweight should be avoided, but take extra care if he also appears lethargic or “not himself.” The ideal place to begin your weight-gain attempts is at your veterinarian.
If you are interested in purchasing a Posh Dog Knee Brace contact us via our contact page or visit our Facebook for more information. We’ve Helped Dogs All Around The World, Now We Want To Help Yours…
Making your own top-quality dog treats at home is a great way to ensure that your furry friend is getting safe and wholesome treats tailored to their dietary needs and preferences. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:
Remember to adjust the recipe according to your dog’s dietary needs and any potential food allergies they may have. Before introducing any new dog treats into your dog’s diet, it’s a good idea to consult with your veterinarian, especially if your dog has specific dietary restrictions or health conditions. Homemade treats can be a delightful and nutritious addition to your dog’s diet, and they’ll surely appreciate the love and effort you put into making them!
If you are interested in one of our dog braces please contact us via our contact form or visit our Facebook Page.
When preparing homemade dog food, it’s essential to include a balanced combination of ingredients that provide the necessary nutrients for your dog’s health and well-being. Here are three essential foods for dogs that you can incorporate into homemade dog food recipes:
Always consult with your veterinarian to ensure that the homemade dog food recipe meets your dog’s specific nutritional requirements, taking into account their age, size, breed, and any health conditions they may have.
Keep in mind that homemade dog food should be properly balanced and varied to provide a complete and nutritionally adequate diet. A qualified veterinary nutritionist can help you create a balanced homemade diet plan tailored to your dog’s individual needs and preferences.
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Hey guys, this is Nikki Lead Veterinary technician with posh. Today let’s talk about treats. I have so many clients that are taking charge of what their dog is eating, and I want to elaborate a bit on that. In my other blog, we discussed the importance of finding a food that is without corn, wheat, and soy, and finding a good protein as the first ingredient. Some will even go as far as raw feeding, and that is great for those that have the time!
So, you have done all this research, found a dog food that fits your dog’s healthy lifestyle, but they are still showing signs of skin issues, obesity, and inflammation? This means it is time to find out exactly what goes into your dog’s mouth each day, you will actually be surprised how many treats and things your dog actually gets per day.
First off, start by placing a treat inside a bag for every treat you give your dog. If you give them a milk bone for example, you put one into the bag as well. At the end of the day, take note of what you gave your dog, plus what treats you used.
You will be amazed how many people don’t think about treats, and are spending literally hundreds of dollars every month on good quality dog food. Yet, after just one milk bone, you have basically undone all of the good you were doing. Did you know the main ingredient in common dog treats is wheat? That is the first ingredient. The second is some kind of by product, then corn, and so on.
Do you see the problem? Dog’s can’t digest wheat and corn well, and they can cause all sorts of issues with their digestive system. So, please stop giving milk bones to your dog if they have any injuries, itchy skin, or you are trying to get them to loose weight.
Now I am not telling you to stop giving treats, not at all! My sweet girl gets her treats daily, but we give her healthy treats, and are more aware of what she gets. Probiotic treats are great! My all time favorite is freeze dried treats. They are a bit more costly than milk bones, but only have one ingredient! Beef liver, or chicken, lamb, even bison if your dog is food protein sensitive.
So, please look into freeze dried treats, sweet potato, cooked vegetables, or some cooked chicken instead of grabbing those milk bones! Please let me know if you have any other questions! You can reach me at , or Or you can you visit our Facebook Page for more information.
Protecting your dog from potentially toxic chewy treats is essential for their health and well-being. Here are five ways to ensure your dog’s safety:
Additionally, consider making homemade dog treats using simple and safe ingredients. Many online resources offer easy and healthy recipes for homemade treats that you can tailor to your dog’s preferences and dietary needs.
Remember, your dog’s safety and well-being should always be a top priority. By being mindful of the treats you give your furry friend and staying informed about potential risks, you can help protect them from potentially toxic chewy substances and keep them happy and healthy. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health or diet and want to know about toxic chewy treats, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian for professional advice.
For more information about our Posh Dog Knee Brace contact via our contact form or visit our Facebook Page.
There are many advantages to hand-feed your dog or puppy, and there are only a few circumstances in which it’s not a good idea.
Many dog trainers hand-feed their dogs their meals throughout the day rather than feeding them from a bowl for the most of the day. Every encounter with a dog is a chance to train them. Along with catching your dog in the act of being good, setting aside a portion (or all!) of your dog’s morning and evening meals and hand delivering that food as needed throughout the day will help you increase your rate of reinforcement and create value for the behaviors you want to see more of. A puppy can continuously practice basic behaviors like sit, down, wait, come, and other polite expressions by being hand-fed.
Additionally, hand-feeding for a while can assist raise the dog’s attention on you as the handler by linking you with meals and feeding, which can help dogs who are usually confident but who have many interests, of which you are just one, or dogs who are easily distracted, pay more attention to you.
Hand-feeding can enable you and a new dog or dog and a new person in your life get to know one another.
While hand-feeding a dog can help build a relationship with them, it can also increase stress if the dog is extremely timid or scared. Similar to people, some individuals would try to bribe a timid dog with food or treats to make him more comfortable among strangers. However, what frequently occurs (especially with dogs who really enjoy food) is that the allure of the food temporarily overrides their unease about the person – but only for as long as it takes to grab the food. The intention is for the dog to associate the presence of the “scary person” (“Yikes!”) with the presence of the food (“Yum!”).
They immediately realize the “scary person” is too close for comfort once the meal is in their mouth. In this instance, the food serves less as a tool to assist in changing the dog’s relationship and more as a trap.
When dealing with the “strangers are scary” issue, it is preferable for the owner to provide meals while the “scary person” is visible but sufficiently enough away to not raise any serious concerns. If you’re trying to bond with a dog who is really timid, adopt a similar strategy by staying close enough to him so that he identifies your presence with the food, but not so close that it requires a lot of bravery (or desperation) to eat it.
Hand-feeding certain dogs may make them more reckless with food. In an effort to acquire the food, many dogs become too excited and may jump up or lunge at their owners’ hands. Asking your dog to sit while you hold a piece of cheap food in your open palm will assist you teach impulse control in this situation. Try to bring your palm up near your dog. If he approaches the meal, clench your fist and, if necessary, ask him to sit down once more. Use your opposite hand to carry food to your dog’s mouth and command him to “take it!” as soon as he can control himself as your food hand approaches.
For some dogs, “self-control” will look differently. In the beginning, self-control may require a dog who is very excited to maintain a sit position for two seconds with your open hand 12 inches above her head. If your dog has a tendency to leap up on you when you are holding food, tether her with a leash to a solid object and stand just beyond the end of the leash. Your dog will eventually figure out that being patient in the vicinity of the food is the fastest way to receive it.
Try these suggestions if your dog bites down on food from your hand too forcefully.
A dog may become averse to eating from a dish in specific situations if it is fed by hand frequently. A little “tough love” could be necessary in such circumstances. Give your dog five minutes to finish his meal after placing it in a bowl. Attempt again later if he doesn’t, then take up the bowl. When food is present, a healthy dog won’t starve himself, even if using this method necessitates skipping a few meals while he waits to see if you’ll resume hand feeding.
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The health of the dog depends on the owner’s ability to slow the dog’s eating.
Most dogs enjoy eating. Some dogs seem to devour their meal faster than we can blink since they adore it so much! Dogs who consume food too quickly may get sick, especially if they also take in a lot of air and develop the potentially lethal illness known as bloat. Anyone who has had their dog go through this disease understands how crucial it is to train them to eat more slowly.
Some dogs consume food so quickly that their systems can’t keep up with it; the food never even reaches the point of digestion. The end consequence is food regurgitation, which happens when food is ingested and then immediately comes back out of the mouth as a result of the esophagus’ muscles contracting backward. Food was never even consumed by the stomach. In these situations, it is advised to reduce the dog’s food intake.
Consult your dog’s veterinarian if you’ve tried these remedies and your dog is still vomiting or regurgitating food to rule out a more serious problem.
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Dog kibble has an average shelf life of 12 to 18 months, but once it’s been opened, you must employ proper storage to prevent the dog food from spoiling.
Although dry dog food, also referred to as “kibble,” is recognized for having a lengthy shelf life, how long does it actually last? If a bag is opened, it should be consumed within four to six weeks, provided it is stored properly.
Unopened kibble bags typically have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months. Based on the date the product was made, the “best by” or “use by” date printed on the original box was chosen. Although dry dog food doesn’t legally expire, the “use by” or “best by” date could be seen as an expiration date.
Some nutrients, such as vitamins, begin to naturally deteriorate over time. Nutritionists are fortunately well aware of this. Nutritionists make sure that essential nutrients are added in amounts high enough to offset these natural losses while creating a food. By doing this, even as the food nears the end of its shelf life, it will continue to be balanced and complete for your dog. The kibble should, however, be consumed within four to six weeks of being opened.
The manner you keep your dog’s kibble can affect how quickly their dry food spoils. Conditions that speed up deterioration include:
After opening a bag of kibble, keep it tightly wrapped in the original bag it came in or within an airtight container to ensure maximum freshness. Food’s fats oxidize more quickly when exposed to air and oxygen, which causes the food to become rancid. Kibble must always be kept in a cold, dark place because exposure to light and heat speeds up this process.
Of course, the dry food for your dog needs to be kept dry. Food that has been exposed to moisture or is very humid may develop mold, which your dog may eat and consume hazardous poisons. While freezing your dog’s dry food will help prevent fat rancidification, it is not advised because it might cause condensation and moisture buildup inside the bag when defrosted.
Although dry dog food has a fairly lengthy shelf life, it is your responsibility to guarantee its freshness after it has been opened. When selecting a bag size, use correct storage techniques and take your dog’s food consumption into account. Choose a size that will be completed four to six weeks after it is opened. These procedures will make it easier to guarantee that your dog constantly gets fresh food each day.
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Improved cognitive performance, joint flexibility, and immune function, including the prevention of mild skin allergies, are just a few advantages of salmon oil for dogs.
In addition, fish oil can help dogs with heart and kidney problems, and DHA is believed to help with eye and brain development in puppies.
The omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) should both be present in the salmon oil supplement you choose for your dog.
Wild, cold-water fish that have just been captured is the best source of fish oil supplements. You want a product that has been screened for impurities like heavy metals and is produced by a company that employs sustainable fishing methods.
Choose brands bearing the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) mark to verify that high-quality ingredients are utilized and that the contents correspond to the claims on the label because pet supplements are not FDA-regulated.
Work your way up to a dose of salmon oil that is approximately 25% of the recommended amount listed on the product label. Maximum doses are not always tolerated by all canines.
Some adverse effects of are:
Salmon oil should probably be avoided by dogs who have clotting issues. Always consult your veterinarian to determine whether salmon oil is appropriate for your dog, given his health history, current diet (which may already include omega-3 fatty acids), and medications. Medication interactions with other medications, such as NSAIDs, are possible.
All fish oil products should be safely stored away from direct sunlight in a cool environment.
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Dog feeding recommendations, including how much to feed a puppy, are merely a general suggestion. Here’s how to properly feed your dog.
The amount of food to feed your dog will vary depending on the dog’s size, age, breed, degree of activity, and genetics. How much food to give your dog can also depend on whether it has been neutered or spayed.
There are no formal food recommendations for dogs because of this. Calories determine how much food to give your dog, just as they do for humans, and each dog has a different caloric requirement.
According to the American College of Veterinary Nutritionists, there are between 300 and over 700 calories per cup in various brands of kibble. That represents a huge gap. Thankfully, the majority of pet food producers now provide the number of calories in a cup of their food.
The “resting energy requirement (RER)” is a general term for the amount of calories your dog needs to consume to maintain their ideal weight. Divide the dog’s optimum weight in pounds by 2.2 to get kilos to get your dog’s RER. Then add 70 and multiply that result by 30.
So let’s suppose your dog should weigh 90 pounds at its ideal size. 90 lb divided by 2.2 equals 40.9 kilograms. Add 70 and multiply by 30 to get 40.9 x 30 = 1,227 + 70 = 1,297. Therefore, a 90-pound dog needs 1,297 calories per day (without additional exercise) only to carry out basic bodily activities.
Examine the meal you are feeding next. Let’s suppose each cup has 380 calories. Therefore, divide 1,297 calories by 380, or the number of calories in one cup of food, to get the following result: An average 90-lb dog needs 3.41 cups of food per day divided by 1,297 380. However, not all dogs are average, and all dogs need get at least some exercise.
To maintain a healthy weight, the RER must be multiplied by the dog’s energy requirements and then adjusted upward or downward. Since individual dogs can differ significantly from estimated numbers, you need still make adjustments to the number you receive in order to get your dog to a healthy weight and then keep it there.
Obese dogs should be fed at the RER for their optimal weight in order to shed weight. Working dogs who are active can require two to five times the RER to maintain weight. The RER x 1.6 is required for typical active neutered dogs. With typical labor, intact adult dogs require RER x 1.8.
At the very least, check your dog’s body once a month with your touch if you can’t weigh him on a scale. He should always have ribs that you can feel and a waist that you can see when you glance down over his topline. Your dog is too overweight if his ribs aren’t discernible. In these conditions, a lower-calorie dog food might be helpful to some extent, but ultimately, he will need to have smaller servings each day.
Do away with snacks and treats. For the majority of dogs, reducing your dog’s meal quantities by 25% is a straightforward, secure, and efficient method of weight loss. Take part of the kibble he would normally receive at mealtime and use that for treats if you’re teaching your dog.
Measure: To measure your dog’s food, use a regular measuring cup. Do not load food into the top of the cup; instead, use level measures!
Nutrients: Choose a food that is formulated to fulfill the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) recommendations for nutrients. The majority of mature dogs thrive on “maintenance” foods. Moms, puppies, and energetic dogs require extra calories, protein, and fat. These canines require food designed for “all life stages.”
Schedules: All dogs should be fed at least twice daily, and pups should be fed at least three times daily. Never give your dog a free-choice diet. Even those dogs who don’t gulp it up right away shouldn’t be free-fed because the majority of dogs will at least try to eat it all in one sitting. If you let your dog “graze” all day, it will take you much longer to realize that he no longer has an appetite.
Table scraps: Unless there is a need (such as a fussy eater, a senior dog, or a dog who is on boiled ground beef or chicken with rice owing to an upset digestive tract) or unless you reduce his regular food quantity correspondingly, don’t ruin all your hard work by offering your dog table scraps. If additional “leftovers” account for more than 25% of his daily caloric intake, you run the risk of throwing off the balance of a “complete and balanced” diet.
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Hey guys, this is Nikki Lead Veterinary technician with posh. Today let’s talk about dog treats. I have so many clients that are taking charge of what their dog is eating, and I want to elaborate a bit on that. In my other blog, we discussed the importance of finding a food that is without corn, wheat, and soy, and finding a good protein as the first ingredient. Some will even go as far as raw feeding, and that is great for those that have the time!
So, you have done all this research, found a dog food that fits your dog’s healthy lifestyle, but they are still showing signs of skin issues, obesity, and inflammation? This means it is time to find out exactly what goes into your dog’s mouth each day, you will actually be surprised how many treats and things your dog actually gets per day.
First off, start by placing a treat inside a bag for every treat you give your dog. If you give them a milk bone for example, you put one into the bag as well. At the end of the day, take note of what you gave your dog, plus what treats you used.
You will be amazed how many people don’t think about dog treats, and are spending literally hundreds of dollars every month on good quality dog food. Yet, after just one milk bone, you have basically undone all of the good you were doing. Did you know the main ingredient in common dog treats is wheat? That is the first ingredient. The second is some kind of by product, then corn, and so on.
Do you see the problem? Dog’s can’t digest wheat and corn well, and they can cause all sorts of issues with their digestive system. So, please stop giving milk bones to your dog if they have any injuries, itchy skin, or you are trying to get them to loose weight.
Now I am not telling you to stop giving dog treats, not at all! My sweet girl gets her treats daily, but we give her healthy treats, and are more aware of what she gets. Probiotic treats are great! My all time favorite is freeze dried treats. They are a bit more costly than milk bones, but only have one ingredient! Beef liver, or chicken, lamb, even bison if your dog is food protein sensitive.
So, please look into freeze dried treats, sweet potato, cooked vegetables, or some cooked chicken instead of grabbing those milk bones! Please let me know if you have any other questions! You can reach me at , or visit our Facebook Page.