Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Dog Obesity, and Why they can’t have Surgery or Braces

Hey guys, this is Nikki Lead Veterinary Technician with Posh Dog knee Braces, and today I would like to talk about the prevalence of dog obesity, and the affects it has on your dog’s health.  It seems that people were not the only ones who were affected by Covid, as the amount of obese pets has also really come up since the pandemic.  Maybe it is because more people are working from home, and thus giving more food or treats to our pets.  Either way, we are definitely seeing a very bad trend.

Dog Obesity, and Why they can’t have Surgery or Braces

Why is it a big deal if Fluffy is a bit overweight? 

Just like in people, this causes a huge strain on our heart, organs, and yep you guessed it, the joints.  Overweight people are so much more likely to have knee and hip replacements, as well as many health issues.  The same thing goes for our dogs.  Just last week I have had to decline 5 beautiful dogs from getting knee braces, because we just physically can’t brace their dog due to the enlarged belly protruding past the knee.  It breaks my heart, because most of these patients also can’t have surgery, due to the increased anesthesia and surgery risks involved.

Once a patient get’s into the obese category, it is very very hard to loose the weight.  They are now used to eating more food, treats, and not exercising, and bad habits have now formed from both the owners and the dog.  Now, I am not saying you can never give Fluffy a treat, just please be aware of the caloric intake vs. the amount of exercise you are giving to your sweet dog.  Dog’s love attention, they do not need a cookie or treat every single time they beg. 

There are many successful weight loss programs for dogs, and it is important to start implementing these at the first sign of being overweight.  Now I am not talking about a tiny bit of chub or fluff, we are talking about an 8+ out of 10 on the healthy weight scale.  To check this, simply look down at your dog’s back.  You should be able to see the curve of the ribs and a nice trim tummy. 

Now, if you can see each rib, that is too thin.  Next, you should be able to palpate or feel the ribs easily when you pet your dog’s side.  I can feel every single rib on my healthy dog if I press gently, but they are not visible.  If you must push to feel for the ribs, then your dog is obese.  This is an easy trick.

Dog Obesity, What can we change? 

I challenge people to put everything your dog consumes in a day, including any treats or people food, into a container.  At the end of the day you will be surprised how much your dog is actually eating.  A lot of clients would come in with an obese patient and say that they are “picky” eaters. 

Your dog is not a picky eater.  He is holding out for the goodies he knows you will make and feed him when he doesn’t eat his kibble.  He has now trained you, not the other way around.  A normal healthy dog will not starve.  They may get stubborn, and go off food for a day to see if you will give in and feed them some treats or people food, but they will not starve. 

As for supplementing their food to help them feel more full, I recommend feeding veggies.  Peas, green beans, a small amount of sweet potato or carrots (remember these also have sugar, so not too much).  As a treat I really love freeze dried liver.  It can come in large cubes, in which I cut it down into tiny pieces, and my girl loves them.  They are naturally fat free, sugar free, and a great snack for your dog. 

Diets such as the Farmers dog have become more and more popular, as they mix fresh healthy ingredients specific to your dog’s dietary needs.  You will notice your dog having a healthier coat, weight, and more energy.  Diet plays a big role in how our dog’s feel and look. 

There are some healthy kibbles out there, but if you see a carbohydrate as a first or second ingredient, I would keep looking.  Dog’s do not need a lot of carbs, they need healthy proteins.  Now I’m not saying go grain free, butfind a healthy mix.  Ask your veterinarian for suggestions.  Maybe start cooking for your dog, you will be amazed how much your dog’s health will improve. 

If you have any questions, about dog obesity don’t hesitate to contact poshdogkneebrace.com via our contact form or visit our Facebook page.

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