Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Fantastic Article About Cruciate Injuries – Written By A REAL DVM: Dr. Will Falconer – MUST READ

We’ve been following Dr. Will Falconer DVM, for over 6 years. His site Vital Animal is a very rare resource for any Pet parent who wishes to learn how to achieve the healthiest and extended life for their Fur child.

This is a MUST read article about cruciate injury causes and treatment.

We call Dr. Will a bona fide: hero. He tells the truth about REAL Veterinary care and about cruciate injuries causes and treatments.

Learn the heath care tips which your allopathic vet may not know, or may not have told you, by subscribing (free) to Dr. Wills newsletter. Dr. Will has deveoped an array of hugely beneficial, free, and also some inexpensive courses, all of which are very relevant REAL health care tips that we feel any Pet parent needs to investigate. His mission is unequivocally: to allow you and your beloved Dog or Cat to share as many years of unrequited love together as possible.

Cruciate Injuries
Sick dog lying on a blanket. Treatment of injured hind legs of a dog

The extraordinary info he has shared with us through the years has saved us several thousands dollars, and a lot of worry, in learning how to truly care for our beloved Dogs and about cruciate injuries causes and treatments.

This Animal Hero has been a Veterinarian for almost 40 years, with 25 years of Homeopathic care. To quote Dr. Will:

I’ve learned that prevention is indeed important, but not done in the usual way promulgated by conventional medicine. You’ll do well to be very, very cautious about what’s offered under that banner in conventional veterinary practices across the globe. It’s a clear case of caveat emptor: Let the buyer beware.

In an increasingly turbulent and treacherous sea of [dangerous] “allopathic” medicine, see how Dr. Will can be your safe haven, a veritable life raft, for you and your Dog. Dr. Will personifies the quintessence of the word: Doctor.

Even if you never get a Posh Brace, you must check this exceptional and iconoclastic DVM out.

Dr. Will, thank you for your decades of unbridled dedication to helping our Animal children live a long and healthy life!

If you are interested in purchasing or brace visit our Store. Or if you need more information about cruciate injuries causes and treatments please contact us anytime.

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