Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


My Dog Isn’t Into Walking – Why?

Think about the issue from your dog’s point of view if they won’t go for a walk with you while on a leash.

If your dog refuses to walk on a leash, consider things from their perspective. Why doesn’t he find walks enjoyable?

First, rule out any physical issues. Do his nails grow too long? He can have painful muscles, inflamed skin between his toes, or arthritis that makes it difficult for him to walk. To be sure, take your pet for a veterinary examination. Ask your veterinarian about the possibility of pain medication if your dog is an elderly dog with arthritis.

Examine how well his harness fits him; if not, try a different one or just use his flat collar.

Make sure the area you’re strolling on is pleasant for him; avoid hot concrete, rough grass, and steep inclines. Are his paws too cold if it’s cold outside? Some dogs try to elevate all four feet off the ground by practically sitting on their hindquarters. Some people stutter.

Enjoy Your Walks

To make your dog more excited about going for walks, keep in mind:

  • There must be sniffing time throughout a walk. A dog sniffing around is referred to as a “sniffari” a lot. Smelling is akin to reading a newspaper, according to some experts, so give your dog the news! Recall that this is his stroll!
  • Don’t ignore your dog when out for a stroll with a friend. Pay attention to your dog. Refrain from using your phone while preoccupied or conversing on the phone.
  • Your dog should not be forced to walk more quickly than he can. Dogs that are smaller, older, or have health issues will walk more slowly than you do. When you go for walks, the leash should always be slack.
  • Don’t make him walk in places where he feels uneasy. Avoid taking him to the zoo if the sounds and scents there frighten him. Walk where he feels comfortable, change directions, or take a car to a new location one or two miles farther. To motivate him, give him praise and goodies; never use coercion or pull your dog along.
  • When your dog refuses to eat, even expensive goodies, it indicates that he is under a lot of stress.

Rewarding Activities for Walking

Let’s now increase his enthusiasm for walks and the leash.

Say “Leash!” as you pick up the leash and place it on him. Present him with a treat right away. Next, use a fresh cue (one that you haven’t used previously) and invite him to accompany you on a walk around your home or yard. Saying “Walk,” “OK,” or “Let’s go!” is OK. It is irrelevant. It matters that you say it in a lighthearted, joyful manner and give him a reward as soon as he follows your lead. Give him rewards all the time. Limit the duration of sessions to three to five minutes. You might have noticed by now that he keeps staring up at you as he walks along.

Take him for a quick walk somewhere fresh when you think he’s ready. Along the way, spoil him with lots of sweets. Use a very high rate of reinforcement (treats and praise) as you approach and pass the hurdle if you believe that something up ahead might annoy him. When he comes to you with a worry, eventually he will look at you like you’re a pleasure.

Walks should be gradually extended, but if your dog starts to show signs of reluctance after you’ve taken care of his equipment and health concerns, cut down on the distance and honor his boundaries! Not every dog has to walk long distances to be happy or healthy.

If you are interested in one of our Posh Dog Knee Brace you can contact us via our contact page or check us out on Facebook.

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