Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Success Stories Part 3

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

No Casting Required. – Joe And Lori – Parents of Bear, 6 YO Labrador – PA

Review of Posh Dog Knee Brace:

After our 6 year old Labrador Retriever got the devastating diagnosis of a complete cranial cruciate ligament (acl in humans) tear and both our vet and an orthopedic specialist said that surgery was our only option, I went searching online for alternative options. We had already done expensive sedated x-rays to get the diagnosis. The recommended invasive TPLO (tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy) surgery, which is supposed to stabilize the stifle joint after ruptures, seemed to me not to be a great option. It’s a highly invasive surgery where the vet cuts bone and screws in a metal plate to stabilize the knee.

The pain of the surgery & the recovery time of 12 weeks without running, climbing on stairs or even on the couch did not make this a practical option for us. We were also told with surgery on the one knee, there is a great possibility that the other knee could also rupture because of the added weight of not wanting to use his bad knee. I was quoted up to $5,000 for the TPLO surgery. They did say there is another less expensive option, a lateral suture or fishing line procedure, but that it may not be successful since he is such a big dog at 115 lbs. 

After all of my research, I came across Posh Dog Knee Brace and I am so happy that I did. For a fraction of the cost of surgery, without the pain and long recovery time, we are stabilizing his knee from the outside, and I am so happy with this choice. The process from start to finish was positive. After sending all of the proper measurements and pictures, the time it took to receive the brace in the mail was surprisingly quick. 

They did a Skype call to insure that the brace was fitting properly. It did need a minor adjustment, which was also done in a timely manner. We were encouraged to email or call with any questions or concerns. I am positive that we made the right decision for our dog and look forward to his recovery.

We have been using the brace for a few months now and I already see a huge improvement in his walking. Initially before the brace he was not putting weight on that knee, and also ‘bunny-hopping”. Now with the daily walks with the brace on, he no longer limps without the brace and is getting stronger. The Posh Dog Knee Brace is so well designed and is also easy to put on and take off. I can’t say enough positive things about this product and highly recommend it! 

L.M from PA 

Success Stories

No Casting Required. Amy, Mom of Shelby, 7 YO German Shepherd Mix – LA, CA

Just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much the Posh Dog Knee Brace has changed our lives! It was looking pretty bleak when Shelby was diagnosed with a possible cruciate ligament tear. I live up two flights of stairs and Shelby is 94 lbs of excitable love so it was impossible to not cause more damage every time we had to go out. I was keeping her inside, away from other dogs and people with minimal trips outside only to use the grass and then back upstairs.

To say she was depressed would be an understatement. Since we have had the Posh Dog Knee Brace everything has turned around! We were able to resume our walks and seeing friends. Shelby’s mood has drastically improved which has only helped in her healing.

I still see a long road ahead of us, but the peace of mind I have when she is wearing her knee brace is undeniable. Your communications and customer service is outstanding and has made me feel comfortable will all aspects of the brace. Thank you for the ease in process, superb product, the best knee brace for dogs, and also the drastic change you have made in our lives!

Amy & Shelby

No Casting Required: Tiffany, Mom Of Jazzy, 2 Year Old Catahoula – Utah Jazzy Had A Failed TTA Surgery (4/15) And Is Recovering With A Posh Dog Knee Brace

I just wanted to send a quick note about Jazzy! It’s been 3 weeks with the brace and we are noticing more muscle gain and less limping. She loves wearing it and will wait patiently while we get it adjusted just right because she knows she can play and explore.

Jazzy has started acting like Jazzy again! She has been able to play/wrestle with her sister Molly and become a curious and adventurous dog again. It’s been over 8 months since she has wanted an intense game of tug-o-war. We took her on her first hike since her injury to enjoy the fall leaves.

She couldn’t stop smiling! We all can’t thank you guys enough for such a great product:) it has truly changed our lives:)

Jazzy, Molly, Tif and Billy

Jonathan, Dad Of Shyla, 11 Year Old Pitbull – Florida

Just wanted to let you know that Shyla is doing wonderful and I just wanted to say thank you and you all are doing a great service to our injured pets , shyla is running more than she has in months and when we remove the brace she tends to walk on all 3 legs so she has shown us that she loves her brace and is happy to wear it again thank you 🙂

Sally, Mom Of Mandy, 10 Year Old Weimaraner – Tennessee

Hi, I have been meaning to write and tell you how great Mandy is doing. Really I was not as diligent as you recommended with daily exercise because of my own injury and recovery, but she still made a full recovery. She occasionally won’t put her full weight on it but I have recently stopped trying to prevent her from jumping. I do lift her into the car but she is doing great. I will be happy to upload some before and after videos to your site and do a review if you like! 

Thanks for your help with this. I just gave your contact info to a guy from new jersey that owns a pet store and sees people with dogs getting ready to have the surgery all the time.


Carol & Billy, Parents Of Xander, 5 Year Old Golden Retriever – Florida

I just wante d to give you an update on Xander. He is doing very well! I wanted to thank you both for all of you help and support throughout this entire process. It is truly evident how much you care for the dogs you help. 

Xander’s mobility has greatly improved. He can even go up and down the few steps of our back deck now. Several of our friends and neighbors have commented on how well he seems to be doing. 

He loves the frozen green beans and we still give him the Nupro silver daily. He has lost at least 5 lbs and I plan to weigh him again when he has his nails trimmed.

I hope all is well with the both of you!

Carol & Billy S. 

David, Father Of Cheever, 10 Year Old Greyhound – California

Hi, Posh Dog Folks,

I received Cheever’s brace about two weeks ago. It’s been awesome. It fit perfectly (You guys did a great job from that crappy cast.) Cheever’s leg is still a bit shaky after walking a bit. We took a nearly two-mile walk with his brace on this weekend. I also take him on a short (around my building) walk in the morning with it off to help stop his muscle atrophy. He’s rebuilding muscle and his leg shakiness gets better every day.

Thank you very much for your leg brace. It was a good value, works well, and is made exceptionally. 

Regards, David

Marie And Jason, Parents Of Annabelle, 6 Year Old Golden Retriever – Illinois

“Jim and Beth, Jason and I (and Annabelle) cannot thank you enough for your guidance and reassurance with Annabelle’s injury. You confirmed our thoughts, heard our fears, and with compassion, patience, and humor you showed us how to rest our minds and go with what we knew was right all along for Annabelle. You truly care about each and every dog you make a brace for and it shows!

It really is because of you that we made the right decision for Annabelle – thank you doesn’t seem like enough. Vets, for the most part, are pretty good, but I have learned from this experience and the research you have shared with me that the body can heal itself without barbaric surgery. Thank you a million times for everything”

Your brace is the best out there from craftsmanship, to ease of putting it on, to comfort while Belle is wearing it. Posh Knee Brace made a difference for Annabelle and I hope other people out there will give your brace a chance before rushing to surgery.

“I wanted to email you today just to extend the BIGGEST most SINCERE thank you anyone could give. We took Annabelle to a holistic vet for the first time today for a chiropractic adjustment. The vet and I have been in contact over the phone the past couple of weeks to find a good time to bring her in and to explain the situation so far.

At first, without looking at Annabelle, the vet was skeptical about what kind of treatment Annabelle would need and really benefit from. So, today after her chiropractic adjustment we could see within minutes that she was standing firmly on both legs. 

With conservative management, some supplements, swim therapy (which she thinks is just play time!), special exercises, and, of course, the Posh Knee brace, Annabelle has made a recovery! According to this vet, Annabelle does not need surgery and was happy (and so were we) with Annabelle’s current condition.

She was so surprised to see that muscles in both of her legs are strong and do not show signs of atrophy. I attest this to her wearing the brace while going for walks along with her swimming. At this point, we are managing her arthritis with natural supplements and she will receive stem cell therapy in the next month to restore further health and stability to her knee joints as well as to treat the arthritis. 

Had I listened to the other two vets about “how much she needs surgery” Annabelle would have been in a world of pain, discomfort, sadness, and potential candidate for infection and complications while the vets were comfortably making their car/mortgage payments with the money I spent on a surgery our princess didn’t need.

I feel sick to my stomach when I think of the countless dogs out there who are put under the knife unnecessarily by the discretion of their vets and unknowing scared pet parents. The complications and disappointment the dogs and pet parents will endure after what is supposed to be this “helpful” surgery is so sad. Surgery is NOT a quick fix and I learned this from you! 

What a wonderful blessing and gift it was to meet you and Beth. You have changed our lives and helped to protect Annabelle from surgery. For that, we will be forever thankful! I hope all is well and I also hope we can stay in touch! 

Smiles and Hugs, Marie, Jason, and Annabelle”

August 9, 2016: Rest In Peace Beautiful Annabelle. Though We Never Had The Joy Of Meeting You, We Made New Long Distance Friends With Your Wonderful Parents, Marie And Jason, And We Truly Loved You, Just Like You Were Our Own Golden Princess.

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