Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Success Stories Part 4

We love to hear from our customers and how we helped their amazing pets! If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear them. Here are a few success stories from our customers. If you would like more information about our brace you can contact us through or contact form our reach out to us through our Facebook page.

Another Bilateral Injury Recovering With No Surgery.
​Denise, Mom of Moo, 5 Year Old Saint Berdoodle – OH

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: Denise writes about her experience with Posh Dog Knee Brace. Since her Dog Moo needed two Posh braces, we discounted the second Posh Brace by at least $160, (regardless of when a customer orders a second brace). No other company discounts a second brace like this. Additionally, for bilaterals, we include a free “rush,” i.e. 1 – 2 day fabrication and overnight shipping. 

“We love our dog’s leg braces!!!! Thank you Posh!

Our 5 year old St. Berdoodle, Moo, injured his left rear CCL and we were trying to let it heal by restricting his activity and using anti-inflammatory meds. His other rear leg became injured during this period, probably because there was extra strain on it due to the other CCL injury. Our Vet recommended surgery for both CCL’s but we wanted to avoid surgery. With his size of 150 lbs., surgery would be so hard on him, and us, plus the possibility of reinjuring his legs would be much higher. We searched the internet for viable alternate options.

We were hopeful when we found Posh dog braces. They seemed to provide support and we liked the fact that, even if we eventually required surgery, the brace can be used to protect and support the leg during the healing process. The price is high but well worth the cost if we could avoid surgery, which would be thousands. Another huge advantage is that we do the measuring at home, ourselves. Many of the competitors braces required the dog to be sedated and casted in a veterinary facility. We didn’t want to cause Moo any more stress and we definitely avoid sedation or anesthesia whenever possible.

So we ordered braces for both of Moo’s rear legs. The measuring process seemed overwhelming, but actually, was straightforward and very thoroughly explained. We sent the measurements and photos in and received Moo’s braces 3 days later. We were THRILLED! These braces are great quality! We were so impressed with the materials used and the overall craftsmanship of the braces.

​We worried that Moo would hate them and it would take a long time for him to adjust but, to our amazement, when we put the braces on him, he seemed to not even notice that they were on! He had the support that he needed and didn’t mind them at all!

He wears the left brace every day when he is active but doesn’t need the right one all the time now, because he is no longer putting all of his weight on the right leg. Before the braces, if we went on even short walks, he would be so sore that he could barely bear weight on his left leg. We can take him for short walks every day now and he doesn’t limp at all afterwards.

These braces have given us the ability to strengthen his legs without further damaging them. They provide us the security and peace of mind that he can be active and not cause more injury. The customer service at Posh is wonderful! The braces are the best that we’ve found. Moo is enjoying life again! We are so happy that we found Posh! Thank you Posh!

UPDATE: 4 months later – July 2017

Good morning! I just wanted to let you know that Moo’s rehab is going great! Thank you for all of your help also. We are thrilled with your customer service AFTER the purchase of our braces!

Every concern, question, or inquiry that we have contacted you with has been handled quickly and efficiently. And everyone there is SO NICE!! We really are “wowed” with your company.

He is getting stronger every day. Thanks again for everything!


No Casting Required. – Ashley, Mom of Diesel, 6 YO Cane Corso – PA

Comment from Posh Dog Knee Brace: another great review from a Dog Mom named Ashley, whose 130 pound Cane Corso is named Diesel. Diesel was barely able to walk a month ago, after this 6 year old handsome boy had severe complete ruptures of the cranial cruciate ligaments in both hind legs. Look how Diesel is doing now – with NO debilitating, painful, risky, expensive surgery and 2 Posh Dog Braces for ACL injuries!

“Hello! I just wanted to update you on diesels progress. I am so thrilled to tell you how much progress he has made. He is now able to get up unassisted, get himself on to the couch, and is even trying to jog in the yard! We of course don’t allow him to, but the fact that he is even trying to leaps about bounds away from a month ago when he was barely able to get outside to use the bathroom. Much to my amazement he is tolerating the braces without issue and will even stand patiently while I get them strapped on.

Being from the veterinary world I can’t believe how little information there is being given to patients about this alternative, and I’m loving showing off D’s progress to the doubters wink emoticon

This past weekend we had a doggie fundraising event and diesel showed off his braces to all who would watch! It definitely got him a lot of attention and he was loving it! I included some pictures and a couple videos for you to see his progress as well. I’ll try and get you some better ones, I live alone so it’s a little tricky lol.

Thank you again for all your support and I’m so glad Melanie (for Layla – [another Cane Corso rescue] ) decided to forgo surgery and order braces!!”

No Casting. – Rosemary & Bob, Parents Of Gracie, 6 YO Aus. Shepherd Mix – OR

Last summer Gracie sustained a partial tear of the cruciate ligament in her left knee. She managed for a while with our constant support, and we were able to increase her walks. However, last winter she slipped in the snow and re-injured the delicate tissues in her knee. After our initial panic, I decided to research alternatives to surgery. That’s when I found Posh Dog.

Gracie’s doing great now. She’s been using the brace for a few months – just for walks. The vet is impressed with her progress and the fact that she now has rebuilt her muscle mass in her leg – a sign of no pain. Gracie’s stronger and has no need for the brace around the house, but we make sure she wears it for long walks and for running around/play time. Her activities have resumed – including running up and down the stairs, and asking to play all the time.

Everyone I tell is impressed that no surgery was required for Gracie’s recovery. I’ve also met a few people who have gone through that surgery for their dogs. They wish they’d known about the alternatives.

The biggest thing I noticed was that her gait became even. Before the brace, Gracie compensated her weight to the opposite side of her body, throwing off the alignment in her spine. Favoring her leg also made her unstable, making it easy for her to slip on our wood floors. With her strength re-established, she has no difficulty on wood floors, no difficulty with stairs, and no difficulty stabilizing herself in the car.

Thanks again for being there and for your fast service. We only had to wait a day or 2 to receive the brace. It was a perfect fit, and Gracie adapted to the feel of it right away. Her confidence was boosted immediately since she could walk immediately in comfort. We’re very pleased . . . and so is Gracie!

Note From Posh Dog Knee Brace: Want to learn more about effective holistic and natural healing? Read “Heal Together” – Natural Health Solutions For Animals And Their Humans. You can get Rosemary Levesques’ SUPERB book about Natural Healing at www.SecondNatureHealing.com. This book is easy to read, filled with promising, timely and very relevant content, that you will likely not hear from most allopathic traditional vets, and a fabulous resource for keeping your beloved Dog healthy! It is a must read!

From the UK. – Rob C. Dad of Lula, 12 Year Old Pointer – County Hampshire UK

Note From Posh Dog Knee Brace: Lula had cruciate surgery on her right hind leg in November 2015. As with most post surgical Dogs, her other CCL in her other ruptured (caused by the post operative chronic displacement of load to the uninjured leg at an incorrect angle). Her Dad did not wish to put her through cruciate surgery again. We are very happy that Rob contacted us. Six months after wearing her brace, Lula is running around like the happy Dog she is!

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let you know how delighted we are with Lula’s progress since we purchased the Posh knee brace. 

Back in October last year she was confirmed with a cruciate ligament issue which our vet was all too eager to operate on. Lula is now 12 years old and had had cruciate surgery just a year before on her right hind leg. There was no way we wanted her to have such a traumatic operation again. 

So, we purchased one of your braces in the expectation that she would be wearing it for the remainder of her life. But now, just 6 months later she has gone form not being able to put any weight on her left hind leg to full mobility.

She has been a walking advertisement for your brace these past months and I have more than happy to sing your company’s praises.

Just in case you are interested here is a short video of Lula enjoying a walk earlier today.

Thanks again for great service and a fabulous result.

Rob C.

No Casting Required. – Amanda RN, Mom of Bear, 3 YO Akita – NY

Bear is LOVING his Posh dog knee brace! He walks around with such confidence as to before he walked with his head down and a really bad limp. He is almost four weeks after partially tearing his left hind leg and thanks to you guys he is on the right path to healing, along with most of the supplements recommended!

The custom design that was made is superior compared to other companies that i resesrched. It is anatomically correct and fits him like a glove, it acts as a true support. It is really amazing to see the difference in his gait as soon as we went for our first walk. He knows his brace helps him walk and he waits patiently with a smile on his face waiting for it to go on!

I am so pleased with the amazing service and love that Bear and I received from you guys. You truly pour your heart and soul into your work and it really shows. Bear is my baby and after speaking with Jim, I felt as if he really understood and loved my Bear as much as I do! Thank you for all that you do, hopefully we can educate as many people as possible about your wonderful work that you do in helping dogs heal, without the trauma and invasive surgery that so many dogs go through. Thank you so much!

No Casting Required. – Angela, Mom of Mosley, 6 YO Golden/Pyrenees Mix – FL

(Mosley is wearing a harness which is unrelated to, and not connected to, our brace.)

I called Posh Dog Knee Brace for help with our Large and amazing dog Mosley. He is a highly socable and very sweet Golden Pyrenese mix.

Recently he hurt his knee, and it is truly heartbreaking, a dog with such life diminished to sadness because he couldn’t run and jump without pain. I have been through torn ligaments in knees before, our first dog, years ago had done this and after thousands of dollars in therapy and surgery and many weeks of quiet isolation in a cage it never really healed properly. Then we had a Bernese that had torn her knee playing and instead of surgery we opted for therapy, acupuncture, massage, swimming, strengthening exercises and supplements. 

She healed 100% with no surgery. So as time went by we learned that with proper care and, dogs can heal VERY well without this expensive surgery, and in many cases are better! The chance of them injuring the other leg during the process of surgery and healing is VERY high in dogs (especially large breed dogs).

When Mosley injured his rear leg I jumped right on the internet and dove into finding the latest info on current surgeries and outcomes, and current therapies and outcomes. This is when I found POSH!!

I learned about Posh Knee Braces and spoke with them for a long time on the phone. I learned that this is the real thing, and since having the brace I see the leg strengthening and Mosley happy again to be able to go on pain free walks.

Mosley is a difficult patient! He didn’t like the brace at first but now knows it is helping him!! I put it on and he limps around with this sad pathetic face and then he realizes were going out to play and walk, he perks right up!!! He suddenly can walk with this brace on much better than he could without it, I can tell it is helping to strengthen his leg and make it better. 

With the brace we have added muscle stem therapy to boost the healing process and help with atrophy and offer him supplements daily. He gets Hemp oil (Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and Rhus toxicodendron (homeopathic med) to help with discomfort and pain as well as a trameel and arnica mixture a couple times a day. He also receives turmeric and zyphlamend to assist with inflammation in the body and joints as well as collagen to help rebuild ligament and tendon tissue. 

We are happy to say that just in the short time so far that we have had our POSH knee brace we already see a significant improvement. The time that the customer service team spent with me teaching me about the brace was significant to me being able to feel secure in my decision about getting this brace.

The quality of the brace is amazing, it is NOT rigid and it is padded well for comfort. We are VERY happy with POSH dog knee brace and look forward to a continued relationship with team POSH as our handsome boy gets better.

Thank you, Angela and Mosley 

No Casting Required. – Peter, Dad of Tucker, 2.5 YO Beautiful Mix – CT

(Tucker is wearing a harness which is unrelated to, and not connected to, our brace.)

(UPDATE January 2016)


My veterinarian had seen the Posh Knee Brace and thought it was great. He told me about some other braces he had used and thought your brace was well made, well designed, effective and better than other ones he had used.

He took several photos to show his other clients and I gave him your contact information. It’s possible you may hear from him in the future. His contact info is: Dr. Peter G, DVM, CT . (anonymous)

Get the word out to other vets. Have you attended the AVMA conventions? If not, you should.”

Original Review: November 2015:

“Our Posh brace fits and works great. It has definitely made a difference in the quality of life for my dog Tucker.

Tucker is able to run, stand and be active. He even uses the injured right back leg as his plant leg when he lifts it urinate. He wasn’t doing this before.

It only take about 30 seconds to mount the brace and he had become accustomed to it after a few times. It definitely makes me feel better too. 

I know how he feels and what he is going through as I had torn my ACL several years ago and had reconstructive surgery. Unfortunately, dogs have a difficult anatomy compared to humans, so surgical procedures do not have great outcomes.
Thanks for a great product. You need to get the word out to veterinarians.


No Casting Required. Jordan, Mom of Sofia, 1 YO Pitbull – Chicago

You guys are amazing!! I have seen such a drastic change in Sofia since she started wearing her brace that it makes my day! Prior to her PoshDog brace I had purchased braces from another company, and though things started out OK the more time she spent in the brace the less she liked it, the more difficult it became to get the brace to stay on her leg properly, and even with a lot of back and forth with the company we made no progress on a resolution.

With her existing brace bothering her so much I started to see my energetic, full-force, what’s next? girl slow down, limp, and just look sad. It broke my heart to see her unable to play with her “little” brother or keep up with the old man of the house. With surgery absolutely out of the question, I turned back to PoshDog who I had looked at originally looked at and then stupidly not chosen in the first place.

Everyone at PoshDog has been so helpful to me even taking the time to look at my previous brace and make suggestions on what we might be able to do to get it into a usable state. The focus was always on Sofia and what we could do to help her get back to her old self, not be in pain, and not further damage her legs. And since we received her PoshDog brace the change in her has been drastic, she’s not limping, has her drive to play back, and she’s holding her own and most of the time out running and out playing our two other dogs!

It’s so fantastic to see my girl back in action! And I’m no longer having to stop her play to readjust, tighten, or put her brace back on because it had fallen off, which she and I both appreciate.

Overall I couldn’t be more pleased with her progress, the brace, and the support I’ve received from everyone at PoshDog. Everything was centered on what we could do to help Sofia, from working to try and find a solution with her previous brace, getting her set-up on her PoshDog brace, as well as supplement recommendations, and ideas for helping her in her recovery.  Best of all Sofia is feeling good and back to her old self, she will even hold still (a behavior that is foreign to her) while I put her brace on! I couldn’t be happier so see her eager for playtime and walks and wearing me out long before she’s ready to call it quits!

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