Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Warning: AVMA Admits TPLO Surgery Causes Bone Cancer!!

For anyone even considering putting their Dog through this grueling, debilitating, very ineffective, and outrageously expensive surgery – READ THIS!

After reading the FACTS about TPLO surgery, you will start to realize that a torn ACL in Dogs can be effectively treeated with a Dog brace, particularly a custom Dog knee brace. That is 100% of what we make each day; the best Dog ACL brace.

Please SHARE this lifesaving article – (and like our Facebook page, if you want to).and Join Our Dog CCL Group

For five years, we have had many thousands of Dog parents tell us that their vet told them the same false statement that our former vet told us back in 2013, when our then 11 year old Beloved Golden Angel, Pasha, had a complete CCL rupture and severely damaged meniscus in her left hind leg: “Knee braces don’t work! You MUST get the TPLO surgery!!”

Most Dog parents are unaware of all the risks of Dog knee surgey, which, according to the AVMA, has a 35% serious complication rate. About half of the approximate yearly 1,200,000 cruciate surgeries, which produce the veterinarian industry some $2 BILLION each year, are TPLO [tibial plateau leveling osteotomy]

On September 15, 2018, the AVMA published a documented report stating that: “dogs with a history of TPLO were 40 times as likely to develop proximal tibial osteosarcoma as were dogs with no history of TPLO.”

Dog parents, a FOUR times greater chance of getting osteosarcoma a/k/a/bone cancer, after the debilitating, painful and expensive TPLO surgery, is very alarming.

However, FORTY times a greater chance of a post-TPLO Dog who has endured the horrific TPLO procedure, getting bone cancer, at the top of its’ tibia, the closest point to the femur, is beyond frightening. The likelihood of the bone cancer spreading (metastasizing) is greater. Your Dog will then face: 1. amputation, or 2. the very real possibility that you will have to say an agonizing goodbye to your beautiful Dog child, years before you should have to.

If you cannot afford the average price tag of $3,000 to as high as $9,000, for just a TPLO surgery (not including physical therapy / followup checkups / complications / drugs etc), be very grateful.

Since a #PoshDogKneeBrace achieves the same end results as TPLO, TTA, and other cruciate surgeries, with NONE of the complications as surgery, why would you ever do what your vet said, and get surgery? Why not do what humans patients do when they have a similar knee ligament injury, called an ACL tear get: a brace and NO surgery?

A Dog knee brace will NOT cause bone cancer, infections, atrophy, drug complications, crating, and depression in your Dog – surgery surely does though. A brace for Dogs will cause: an immediate recovery process, as we have seen firsthand, in thousands of cases.

Don’t ask yourself twice: “should I put my beloved Dog through TPLO or other CCL surgery? Now that the unacceptable, and massive risks are publicly conceded by the AVMA, maybe you should ask yourself: 40 times.

Lastly, in 2005, the AVMA published the results of a study of the efficacy (effectiveness) of cruciate (knee ligament) surgeries. The report stated that TPLO surgery produced an improvement in only THIRTY FOUR percent of Dogs. Isn’t that wonderful – only ONE in THREE Dogs improve! That means 2 out of 3 do NOT improve after the horrific TPLO surgery. And now the AVMA admits TPLO surgery increases the odds of potentailly lethal bone cancer FORTY TIMES – NOT 40% – FORTY TIMES!!.

Give your beautiful Dog child a BIG, safe hug from all of us at PoshDogKneeBrace.com. We wish you and your Dog the longest life possible, of sharing your perfect love…

How Do You Want Your Dog To Recover From A CCL Injury? Without Surgery

  Post-Op TPLO Surgery
40 X Chance Osteosarcoma
Frolicking In The Pool – NO Risk

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