Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Signs your dog needs a Wheelchair instead of Dog Knee Brace

Hey guys, this is Nikki the lead Vet tech with Posh Dog Knee Braces.  Today let’s talk about signs that your dog may need a cart or a wheelchair.  Unfortunately, just like us humans, sometimes our furry friends need a little extra help to get around.  There are a lot of devices, such as our posh dog knee brace, that can be used with a limb injury such as a CCL tear, or even elbow and carpal issues, but sometimes that is just not enough. 

Signs your dog needs a Wheelchair instead of Brace

Dog’s who have neurological issues, a degenerative disc disease, or severe hip dysplasia for example may really benefit from a cart or wheelchair.

Dog’s like to have their independence, just like we do.  If you have a dog that used to be very active, loved to go outside for walks and enjoy playing, and now they are unable to really stand on their own, it may be time to consider a wheelchair.  They are not as hard to put on as you would think, and most dogs will adapt to them quite fast. 

I have worked with a few patients in wheelchairs, one had two legs that needed to be amputated due to cancer.  She could fly in her little cart, go up and down stairs, there was no stopping her.  Her attitude changed from depressed and unable to go play to immediately taking off in her cart.  I have seen several great outcomes like this, and definitely feel carts are a great resource for patients that otherwise can’t walk.

Some patients with hip dysplasia may just be in too much pain to stand and walk.  Those back leg’s have probably atrophied, and they are not strong enough to get up and go outside.  Having a cart lets them have some of that freedom back, so that they can once again go outside, walk in the park, or even go to the bathroom without aid.

There are many great companies now that make carts and wheelchairs, be sure you do your research and find the right fit for you and your best friend.  Wheelchairs can be anywhere from $100 to over $1000.  Make sure you find a custom chair that is comfortable for your pup.  I’m not a big fan of amazon braces or medical parts, so I would find someone that has great reviews, and good customer service like we do at Posh Dog Knee Brace

Again please let me know if you have any questions!  You can contact us via our contact page or visit us on Facebook.

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