Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


How many Hours a Day Should My Dog Wear the Brace?

Hi guys, this is Nikki Lead Veterinary Technician with Posh Dog Knee Braces, and today let’s discuss how many hours a day your dog should wear a knee brace.  Now this also really depends on what we are treating.  If we have a full CCL tear with meniscus involvement, I may suggest you use the brace more often than a patient with a partial tear. 

Also, how much energy your dog has is a big factor on how many hours you really need to be using the brace.  Some brace companies say wear the brace all day long, with no breaks.  This can lead to a lot of problems initially, if you have not properly broken in the wearing time of your brace. 

How Many Hours a Day to Wear the Brace

If you have a high energy dog, one that dives off of stairs and furniture, and is harder to control, you may be advised to use the brace a bit more.  Now, we only suggest using braces during times that your dog is supervised.  This is a medical device, and should not be worn without direct supervision.  I would suggest starting out slow, just using the brace during walks and activities hours your veterinary technician will go over with you.  Once your dog has been using the brace well, and you feel more confident, you can begin to increase the amount of time (hours) your dog uses the brace. 

I still like to give breaks during the day, especially if there is a time they like to lay down and nap.  For instance, using the brace for 2 to 3 hours in the morning, while they get the wiggles out, go potty, walk, and breakfast is perfectly fine.  You may then opt to remove the brace during lunchtime, as most dogs calm down around this time.  Then, you can place the brace back on in the afternoon, and remove prior to going to bed.  This is just a suggested scenario, but again you do need to continue monitoring them with the brace. 

We do not suggest any patient to wear the brace 8-12 hours a day, as anything that is worn that long on human or dog can cause skin irritation.

If your dog is pretty chill, relaxed, and only really active outside (such as giant breeds), then I would suggest using the brace just for activities.  These can include walks, car rides, when someone comes to visit, playing with another dog, stairs, ect.  If they spend most of their time laying down, it would not be comfortable to leave a brace on all day long.  Let them get cozy, but we will be suggesting some Physical therapy activities to help prevent atrophy.

Put a sign outside your door, this will help discourage people from ringing the doorbell or knocking.  Most dogs react to hearing a knock and doorbell, so if we can cut back on those times that will really help with preventing re-injury.  Instead, put your phone number on the sign, so they can text you if someone arrives to visit.

Always feel free to speak to your service veterinary technician with any questions, that is what we are here for!  Thank you, and give your dog a big hug for us!

You can contact us via our contact page or visit our Facebook page for more information.

Let Your Dog Recover With Our Custom Dog Knee Brace!
We’ve Helped Dogs All Around The World, Now We Want To Help Yours…

The Posh Dog Knee Brace is a 100% custom Dog knee brace, hand made only for your Dog. We make our custom brace with no casting. Our state-of-the-art brace for Dogs is very durable, waterproof, sand proof, and easily adjustable by customers. Our Veterinary Technicians provide personal live video supervision of measuring, and fitting of your Dog ACL brace in the comfort of your own home.

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