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Selecting CBD For Dogs – #1 Must Read

CBD for dogs can benefit dogs with a variety of problems, including pain and anxiety, but you must choose a canine CBD product from a trustworthy supplier.

Cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis plant derivative that has no psychotropic ingredients, is now widely available in pet supplements.

According to “Pet Supplements in the U.S.,” 21% of dog owners bought CBD dietary supplements in 2020. According to Packaged Facts, sales of CBD for dogs products are expected to reach $95 million in 2020, a 217% rise from the previous year. Additionally, all of the nation’s top chains of pet supply stores have established retail ties with the producers of CBD dietary supplements.

cbd for dogs

You can see that there are many different CBD for dog products available. How do you decide?

  • Make sure the product includes CBD by carefully reading the label or product description first. There are hundreds of products available that don’t include CBD, many of which can be found by conducting an online search for “CBD pet supplements.” The product’s “hemp” content may be exaggerated on the label, but unless it is stated otherwise, the product does not contain CBD. Hint: There are several hemp-containing items available on Chewy.com and Amazon.com, but neither website sells pet supplements with CBD.

Products made from hemp but without CBD may have health benefits, but if you want your dog to specifically benefit from CBD for dogs, you must choose a CBD-containing product!

  • Find a report from an unbiased testing facility that examined the product now. If a product hasn’t undergone independent testing or if the results aren’t code-matched to the batch you’re contemplating, don’t buy it.

Verify the dates! Reputable manufacturers provide the lab results for their items on their websites or have QR codes that link to online reports. The report must include the date, a detailed description of the tested item, as well as the name, contact information, and phone number of the test provider.

  • Verify the lab findings for pesticides, heavy metals, microbiological contamination, and potency. Hemp plants are prone to fungus, which can result in the presence of mycotoxins that are carcinogenic, and they rapidly absorb heavy metals from their surroundings. It’s also conceivable for heavy metals to be accidentally added during manufacture. In addition, hemp is frequently grown using pesticides. Therefore, the third-party lab tests ought to state that the products are free of pesticides, heavy metals, and microbiological contamination.
  • Verify the type and concentration of CBD in the product by looking at the results of an independent lab. Hemp plants contain between 80 and 100 cannabinoids, which are compounds that can bind to cannabinoid receptors in both human and canine systems. The quantity and presence of these chemicals varies depending on the type of hemp plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, is not produced by any plant strains used to generate CBD products; supplements with more than 0.3% THC cannot be supplied legally.

To ensure that you can administer dosages consistently for a predictable impact, the lab report should list the cannabinoids that are present in the product and their concentrations.

  • Avoid purchasing goods that promise to manage, prevent, or cure disease. The FDA must approve any substance that has medicinal claims. Since CBD products are now handled as supplements, this procedure does not apply to such items. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) prohibits the marketing or labeling of supplements for the mitigation, treatment, prevention, or cure of disease.

Avoid a firm’s items if the product label or company material implies that it is a panacea for all of your dog’s ailments. Avoid “treats” as well, which are considered foods and are therefore prohibited from having CBD. “CBD dog treats for anxiety” is one example. Laws governing labeling violations are a sign of a novice or dishonest product maker. Avoid the business in either case.

  • Look for directions, dosing information, and unambiguous indications for use.
  • Ask a firm representative, if you can, what distinguishes their products from those of their rivals. Ask for proof if you hear any exaggerated statements. If they don’t have have study results they can share with you, the finest companies should at the very least be taking part in research studies of their products.
  • Look for merchandise from businesses that have been in this for a long time. Numerous CBD product producers are active today but gone tomorrow. A product’s longevity does not imply that it is effective; some businesses were started with significant financing from venture capital firms, which helped some start-ups survive despite having inferior products. However, experience and credibility are lent to a company’s objective by time spent in the field.
  • Look for the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) seal of approval, which certifies goods from businesses dedicated to quality and ongoing improvement. A quality control manual, which helps ensure the business is producing a consistent and high-quality product, an adverse event reporting/complaints system, and passing an independent third-party audit every two years are just a few requirements for supplement manufacturers to receive the NASC Quality Seal.

The findings of a research that examined goods that contained hemp or cannabidiol compounds were released by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 2021. Tests were performed on nearly 150 goods to identify the cannabinoids that were present in them. Less than half of the surveyed items had cannabidiol concentrations that were 20% or less of what was stated on the label.

Such outcomes are intended to be avoided by using certification from the NASC and third-party lab testing.

  • We advise purchasing CBD pet supplements from independent pet supply shops with staff members who are knowledgeable about the goods and have used them on their own pets. In the event that this is not feasible for you (or if you reside in an area without such a store), get assistance from the manufacturers of the products you are considering.

First-time users will benefit from advice on dosage and what kind of product will work best for their dogs. Since veterinarians aren’t allowed to discuss CBD for dogs with their patients in most states, let alone recommend a specific product, the next-best resource is an experienced user who has a close, long-term retail relationship with ethical product suppliers.

Possible advantages of CBD for dogs

An increasing number of dog owners who support CBD for dogs do so because they feel it treats cancer and immune-mediated disorders while reducing anxiety, seizures, discomfort, and allergies. Manufacturers of CBD supplements, however, who are subject to regulation under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), are not permitted to make “drug” claims about how CBD treats or alleviates any illness or medical symptom.

Because there were considerable legal obstacles for both academic and commercial study into CBD, as well as restrictions for growing and harvesting these plants, then refining and marketing products that include CBD for dogs, up until recently, CBD’s appeal has been largely driven by anecdotal evidence. When the Agriculture Improvement Act, also known as the Farm Bill, was passed in 2018, it descheduled cannabis species with less than 0.3% dry weight of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), removing these obstacles and opening the door to both commercial production of CBD-containing goods and research into its safety and advantages.

Studies have so far shown promise. Researchers from Cornell University conducted a 2018 study on dogs with osteoarthritis that revealed no adverse effects, a considerable reduction in pain, and an increase in activity. A tiny Colorado State University study (16 dogs) examined the use of CBD for dogs to treat canine idiopathic seizures and discovered that canines receiving CBD experienced an 89% decrease in seizure frequency.

Without plenty of anecdotal evidence that at least some of the products are beneficial to dogs, it is difficult to see how the CBD for dogs market could have expanded so quickly. In any young, rapidly expanding market, there are plenty of con artists, but few individuals keep buying useless products over and over again. The industry’s amazing rise indicates that they are effective, and the startling paucity of tales of negative experiences should persuade you to try CBD for your dog.

If you would like more information onthe CBD for dogs you can contact us through our contact page or check out our Facebook Page.

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